09 May 1997 15:31:27

A couple of thoughts with respect to the issues you raised in the DoD
a) it is lamentable that we are giving up on making DoD fulfill its
responsibilities to fully and permanently clean up their mess;
b) to trust the federal government that it will fully fund a registry or
registries (along with enforcement mechanisms) for the coming decades
is rather silly on our part (being a Native American, I am somewhat aware
of the institutional incapacity of the federal government to keep its word).
If states therefore are willing to pay for the registry (and enforcement
mechanisms) at DoD sites, then we may be on to something. If such
procedures come to pass, I would expect that it may cost state taxpayers
a substantial sum over the coming decades to enforce ic's at federal
facilities, or rather formerly used federal sites contaminated by the
federal government. I can't imagine any political problems for governors
and their appointees in implementing such as system.