Dr. Krishna and others -
The National Association of County and City Health Officials has
published a document on community involement that might be of interest
for your project.
Partnerhsips for Environmental health Education: Performing a Community
needs Assessment at Hazardous Waste Sites. This one has all sorts of
useful forms that can be reproduced such as key contacts, community
resources, site history and description, key charaterisitcs of area
surrounding or adjacent to site, significatn events related to site,
health issues, other conerns, community profile, etc.
Published in June 1997.
NACCHO does not have copies to distribute but the Agency for Toxic
Substances and Disease Registry does! ATSDR is part of the US DHHS and
works at Superfund sites. ATSDR provided funding for this report which
has been field tested! A copy may be requested by sending an email to:
Loretta Norman
Gayle Alston