Re: Who is using this Newsgroup?
06 Oct 1997 10:16:13

From: John Stephen <>


I am John Stephen, an environmentalist with a focus on greenways and
urban ecology. I am involved in the Nine Mile Run Greenway Project in

We are promoting the development of a greenway along a sewage impacted
stream linking a large urban park to the river across an industrial slag
dump. The task has started with a community workshop series focusing on
the ecological issues associated with creating a greenway on a
brownfield. We are interested in expanding the traditional dialogue of
brownfield redevelopment to include public space, ecology, and
sustainability (not repeating the mistakes of the past which created the
waste land in the first place)

The Nine Mile Run Greenway Project is an interdisciplinary research
project of the STUDIO for Creative Inquiry at Carnegie Mellon
University. We have a website for more information: