I am a partner with the California law firm of Brown, Pistone, Hurley & Van
Vlear (800- 832-6946). I serve as a legal consultant to the Local Reuse
Authority for MCAS EL Toro on utility and environmental issues, and I am the
civilian chair of the Restoration Advisory Board for the base. I am the
author of The Transfer and Reuse of Contaminated BRAC Property - the Myth of
the CERCLA Covenant published in the Spring Issue of The Federal Facilities
Environmental Journal.
I work with several large developers who are interested in redeveloping
contaminated property. I have been successful in pulling together financing,
technical expertise, and insurance for brownfields and BRAC projects. We
recently completed the redevelopment of the Kaiser Steel Mill as the new
California Speedway.
BPH&V maintains a library of transfer and leasing documents from closing
bases around the country. The index for this library can been seen at "
http://members.aol.com/BRAClaw/Brac_page.html" or by contacting Mr. Hurley at
714-450-8430 or GregHurley@AOL.com.