Re: Who is using this Newsgroup? (fwd)
13 Oct 1997 10:48:01

From: Steven Huff (703)325-7933 <>
Subject: Re: Who is using this Newsgroup? (fwd)


I am Major Steve Huff. I answer equally well to
Steve or Major Huff, but most of the time, prefer
Steve. My email is and
telephone (703) 325-7933.

My last assignment was with the Army Environmental
Center, where I served as an Environmental Program
Manager. I helped establish the Army Regional
Environmental Offices and was also one of three
Agency points of contact for EJ. I also
participated on the FFERDC and (unfortunately) was
only able to attend a couple of NEJAC meetings
during that assignment.

I am now stationed with the Defense Special
Weapons Agency and am the Agency representative
for Environmental Quality, the Strategic
Environmental Research and Development Program,
the Environmental Security Technology
Certification Program, and all environmental
grants awarded by the Agency. There are currently
12 environmental research and development grants
in place. Each grant is set up as a collaborative
effort between an HBCU/MI and another institution,
both with research capabilities.

Thank you for taking the time to read this. I
would like to take this opportunity to say "hello"
to those of you whom I know and am to say I am
looking forward to the possibility of meeting and
working with you, to whom I am not yet acquainted
- Steve