What's going on in your state?

16 Oct 1997 14:11:46

From: "MacCourt, Doug" <DCM@syseng.ci.portland.or.us>

Willamette Riverkeeper:

You should check your facts. EPA brownfields money in Portland
has gone to a variety of community efforts in both the Enterprise
COmmunity and along the Willamette River and Columbia RIver waterfronts,
the land most impacted and contaminated by past industrial use. We have
tried repeatedly to get you, Don Francis, to participate in our
activities. We have never heard a response. We have had great response
from all neighborhoods in Portland's Enterprise Community, including
many of the people you referred to us involved with environmental
justice. I don't mind that you have a different opinion about our
activities, but you constantly shoot from the hip without verifying your
information. As a result, you are doing the communities in Portland a
great disservice. Come on, Don, its time to be concerned about the
facts. I remain available to you, as I have in the past, to discuss
these issues anytime. It is insulting and just plain untrue to say
there has been little community involvement. You also have your facts
wrong about the zip code. Call me, I can help.

Doug MacCourt
Portland Brownfield Initiative

> ----------
> From: Willamette Riverkeeper[SMTP:wrkeeper@teleport.com]
> Sent: Wednesday, October 15, 1997 1:48 PM
> To: cpro-brownfields@igc.apc.org
> Subject: Re: What's happening in your state?
> EPA brownfields money in Portland has gone to the City's Department of
> Transportation. Thewre has been little community involvement (nearly
> token), while the city continues to focus primarily redevelopment of
> areas
> that would likely be devel;oped anyway and happen to be along the
> river in
> the wealthiest zipcode in Portland. Job training? I don't think so.
> Local
> empowerment in affected communities? Dream on.
> don
> At 09:49 AM 10/13/97 -0700, you wrote:
> >
> >I have often observed that U.S. EPA's national leadership around
> >Brownfield revitalization sometimes confuses people. Brownfields
> cleanup
> >is typically regulated by state environmental agencies and
> development
> >is organized by private corporations, non-profit agencies, and local
> >government, subject to the guidance of local land use planning
> >jurisdictions. Thus, while national legislative and administrative
> >decisions around Superfund and other laws influence Brownfields
> >activity, keys environmental decisions are constantly being made by
> the
> >state, tribes, and territories.
> >
> >CAREER/PRO would like this newsgroup to help monitor those decisions?
> >What's happening in your state? Is it good or bad? How does it differ
> >from national trends? It's hard for anyone, even associations of
> state
> >officials and high-priced newsletters that cover these issues, to
> keep
> >track. So we invite you to chip in with your own reports. They don't
> >have to be comprehensive. They can be opinionated. Just try to keep
> them
> >as accurate as you can.
> >
> >I'll be kicking this effort off with a couple of postings on
> California.
> >Stay tuned.
> >
> >LS
> >--
> >
> >
> >Lenny Siegel
> >Director, SFSU CAREER/PRO (and Pacific Studies Center)
> >c/o PSC, 222B View St., Mountain View, CA 94041
> >Voice: 650/961-8918 or 650/969-1545
> >Fax: 650/968-1126
> >lsiegel@igc.apc.org
> >
> >Effective August 2, 1997, "415" area code numbers for the area south
> of
> >San Francisco, including Mountain View, have changed to "650."
> However,
> >"415" may be used until February 1, 1998.
> >
> >
> "the battle for the environment [is] the ultimate civil rights and
> human
> rights contest,a struggle to maintain public control over publicly
> owned
> resources against special interests that would monopolize, segregate,
> and
> liquidate them for cash."
> ---- Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
> "We must be astute to see that preservation is far easier than
> correction,
> perceptive enough to realize that in the Willamette River we still
> have more
> to preserve than to correct, and bold enough to act accordingly."
> --- Oregon Governor Tom McCall, 1967
> Willamette Riverkeeper
> P.O. Box 11606
> Portland, OR 97211-0606
> 503.280.5488