NW Regional EJ conference Nov. 8

Career/Pro ( cpro@igc.apc.org )
Thu, 16 Oct 1997 16:39:52 -0700 (PDT)

From: Career/Pro <cpro@igc.apc.org>

P L E A S E D I S T R I B U T E . . .

NW Regional Environmental Justice Conference Nov. 8

Portland's Environmental Justice Action Group is sponsoring the 1st annual
NW regional environmental justice conference on Nov. 8.
Workshops will focus on:
--hands-on GIS training
--research tools for environmental justice activists
--networking/alliances with local and regional groups

The conference costs $4 and will be held at the Lutheran Inner-City
Ministries, 4219 NE Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd (at Skidmore).

We encourage you to RSVP ASAP, and indicate two choices for the one-hour
GIS training (for example, 10 am and 2 pm). First come, first served on the

For more information call (503) 282-0276 or email: wilson@teleport.com