Announcement of Competition for the 1998 National
21 Oct 1997 11:20:35

Subject: Announcement of Competition for the 1998 National

This funding announcement could be of use to you GIS-users dealing
with urban sites that are polluted - Brownfields Assessment

Announcement of Proposal Deadline concerning Competition for the 1998
National Brownfields Assessment Demonstration Pilots.

Copies of this document are available via the
Internet on the EPA Brownfields Home Page at:

The United States Environmental Protection Agency
(EPA) will begin to accept proposals for the National
Brownfields Assessment Pilots on October 9, 1997. The
brownfields assessment pilots (each funded up to
$200,000 over two years) test cleanup and
redevelopment planning models, direct special efforts
toward removing regulatory barriers without
sacrificing protectiveness, and facilitate coordinated
environmental cleanup and redevelopment efforts at the
federal, state, and local levels. EPA expects to
select approximately 100 additional National
brownfields assessment pilots by May 1998.
Applications will be accepted on a "rolling
submissions" schedule. The deadlines for new
applications for the 1998 assessment pilots are
December 15, 1997, and March 23, 1998. Applications
postmarked after December 15, 1997, will be considered
in the second round of competition. Previously
unsuccessful applicants are advised that they must
revise and resubmit their applications.

The National brownfields assessment pilots are
administered on a competitive basis. To ensure a fair
selection process, evaluation panels consisting of EPA
Regional and Headquarters staff and other federal
agency representatives will assess how well the
proposals meet the selection criteria outlined in the
newly revised application guidelines document
entitled "The Brownfields Economic Redevelopment
Initiative: Proposal Guidelines for Brownfields
Assessment Demonstration Pilots" (October 1997).


This action is effective as of October 9, 1997, and
expires on March 23, 1998. All proposals must be
postmarked or sent to EPA via registered or tracked
mail by the expiration dates cited above. Applications
postmarked after December 15, 1997, will be considered
in the second round of competition.


The application guidelines document can be obtained by
calling the Superfund Hotline at the following
numbers: Washington, DC Metro Area at 703-412-9810,
Outside Washington, DC Metro at 1-800-424-9346, TDD
for the Hearing Impaired at 1-800-553-7672.

Copies of this document are available via the
Internet at:


The Brownfields (& RCRA, Superfund & EPCRA) Hotline, 800-424-9346.