1998 CPEO Brownfields List Archive

From: Career/Pro <cpro@igc.apc.org>
Date: Mon, 19 Jan 1998 10:07:31 -0800 (PST)
Reply: cpeo-brownfields
Subject: 1998 Environmental Job Training Summit

Below is the invitation letter to the NIEHS Environmental Job Training
Summit and the Agenda for the Summit.  If you have any questions, please
call Karen Kneeland at the 301-431-5425 or send Karen an e-mail at
<chouse@dgsys.com>.   Additional information and electronic registration
are available at the Clearinghouse web page:

>Date:   December 30, 1997
>From:   Sharon D. Beard, NIEHS
>Re:     1998 Environmental Job Training Summit 
>To:     All Interested Parties

You are cordially invited to the National Institute of Environmental
Health Sciences (NIEHS) Technical Workshop for the Superfund Worker
Training Program.  This workshop/summit is sponsored by the NIEHS, EPA,
Clark Atlanta University and Xavier University of New Orleans.  The
Environmental Job Training Summit will be held on Sunday, Monday and
Tuesday, March 15-17, 1998 at the DoubleTree Hotel, Canal Street, New
Orleans, Louisiana.  To make hotel reservations, call 1-800-222-8733
before February 14, 1998.  To obtain the group room rate, say you are
with the NIEHS Environmental Jobs Summit.

Environmental Job Training Summit
The summit will begin on Sunday, March 15 with a bus tour of some of the
hazardous waste sites in Louisiana and a visit to a local training site.
 A limited number of seats are available for this tour.  There is no
additional charge for this tour, so please register early.  For those of
you who plan to attend the bus tour, there are a limited number of rooms
available for a Saturday night stay at the DoubleTree Hotel.  It will
conclude with a two-day meeting to discuss the current and future trends
in the environmental remediation field as they relate to employment and
job training.  This meeting is a follow up to the Environmental Job
Training for Inner City Youth Technical Workshop that was held on
January 5-6, 1995, at Cuyahoga Community College in Cleveland, Ohio.  
The NIEHS, through an Interagency Agreement with the EPA, has
administered the Superfund Worker Training Program since 1987 and the
Minority Worker Training Program since 1995.  The Superfund Worker
Training Program has developed model safety and health training programs
for hazardous waste workers and emergency responders throughout the
nation through twenty cooperative agreements with labor organizations,
universities and community colleges.  Seven organizations have received
additional funding under the Minority Worker Training Program to provide
innovative training to young adult people of color in several urban
cities across the US.  Training has occurred in 13 cities including:
Chicago, IL; Washington, DC; Baltimore, MD; New Orleans, LA; Atlanta,
GA; Jackson, MS; Los Angeles, CA; San Francisco, CA; Oakland, CA;
Minneapolis-St. Paul, MN; Memphis, TN; New York City, NY and Cleveland,
OH.   Our joint efforts with EPA to support the Minority Worker Training
Program for inner-city young adults are preparing them for career-path
jobs related to environmental cleanups and construction work.  The
majority of these jobs are in construction, lead, hazardous waste, and
asbestos work.  

This summit will explore opportunities, successes, and barriers that
have occurred during the past ten years of the Superfund Worker Training
Program, as well as the unique challenges that have been faced during
the past two years of the Minority Worker Training Program.  Creating
smoother connections in the environmental cleanup industry between
training and jobs is a primary goal of the summit.  We are inviting
representatives from local, county, state, and federal governments,
community based organizations, labor, contractors, and training
organizations that are working with various job-training programs to
participate in the summit.  This summit will also attempt to serve as a
means of creating/sustaining a collaborative dialogue among interested
parties to exchange ideas and help to establish a framework for
strengthening the Minority Worker Training Program and providing
additional opportunities for growth for all worker training programs.  

Travel Scholarships
A limited number of travel scholarships are available for individuals to
attend this summit. No NIEHS Worker Training Awardees/Staff or federal
government employees can apply for these scholarships.  The deadline for
receiving scholarship applications is January 30, 1998.

Airport Shuttle Transportation
The Airport Shuttle operates from the walkway outside of the baggage
claim area at the New Orleans Airport on the lower level.  There is a
ground transportation center from which access to the shuttle is
provided.  No reservations are required.  The shuttle will provide
transportation to the downtown DoubleTree Hotel and other points in the
central business district for a $10.00 one way fare.

Registration and Agenda
A tentative agenda, registration form, and scholarship application for
the summit are attached.  To electronically register and to obtain
further information about the summit, go to
http://www.niehs.nih.gov/wetp/clear.htm under "What's New" section or
call the National Clearinghouse for Worker Safety & Health Training at
301-431-5425.  The registration fee for the summit will be $80 in
advance and $100 on site.  Be sure to register before February 27, 1998.
 If you have any questions, please contact me at 919-541-1863.  

Sharon D. Beard, Industrial Hygienist
Worker Education and Training Program
Division of Extramural Research and Training
National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences
P.O. Box 12233, Mail Drop EC-25
Research Triangle Park, NC 27709-2233
E-mail:  beard1@niehs.nih.gov
www site:  http://www.niehs.nih.gov/wetp/home.htm


Tentative Agenda
The National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences
Environmental Job Training Summit
March 15-18, 1998
DoubleTree Hotel, Canal Street, New Orleans, LA

Sunday March 15, 1998

12:45 pm  - Start loading Bus

1:00 pm - 5:00 pm  - Optional Bus Tour along the Mississippi River
Corridor.  The summit will begin on Sunday, March 15th with a bus tour
of some of the hazardous waste sites in Louisiana and a visit to a local
training site.  A limited number of seats are available for this tour. 

5:00 pm to 7:00 pm - Summit Registration at the DoubleTree Hotel

Monday March 16

8:00 to 8:30 am - Continental Breakfast and Summit Registration 
DoubleTree Hotel Conference Rooms

8:30 to 10:00 am - Plenary Session: Setting the Stage 

Welcome: Joseph Hughes, NIEHS and Dr. Beverly Wright, Xavier University

Introduction: Sharon D. Beard, NIEHS

Welcome to New Orleans -Dr. Norman Francis, President, Xavier University
of New Orleans (invited) 

Keynote Speakers: 
Alexis M. Herman, Secretary, Department of Labor (invited)
Dr. Yvonne Scruggs-Leftwich, Executive Director/Chief Operating Officer,
The Black Leadership Forum, Inc.

Minority Worker Training Program Overview and Highlights: Sharon D.
Beard, NIEHS 

Following welcoming remarks and introductions to the meeting by NIEHS
and Xavier University, Alexis Herman will speak to us about Job Training
Programs. Dr. Scruggs-Leftwich will wrap up and discuss the status of
how Job Training Programs create economic benefits and changes in
communities and these urban environments.   

10:00 to 10:30 am - Break

10:30 to noon - Plenary Session: Highlights of Accomplishments of the
Minority Worker Training Programs

This session will address the many accomplishments of several programs
and their impact on the community and benefits to the participants.
Presenters will discuss barriers and incentives to establishing job
training programs using environmental justice principles, and creating
community/labor based partnerships.  This session will provide
additional background to participants for addressing specific topics in
later breakout sessions.

Noon - 1:30 pm - Lunch and Keynote Address -Timothy Fields, Acting
Assistant Administrator, Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response,
US EPA. (invited)

1:30 - 3:30 pm - Summit Breakout Sessions 

(To ensure even distribution and representation, participants will be
asked to sign up for each breakout session.  When a session is full,
participants will be assigned to another session.  Each breakout session
will have a facilitator and a reporter.)

A) Life Skills Management and Curriculum Issues

This session will address the process of developing modules on life
skills management such as preparing for a job interview, time and money
management.  It will also explore the different types of educational
techniques utilized.  These include work-based learning, instrumental
enrichment, and case management.   

B) Incentives and barriers to modifying construction/cleanup contracts. 
This session will identify barriers to and opportunities for
communication and inclusion of specific local hire language in clean-up
It will also focus on how programs can interact with remedial contract
managers, local and state regulatory agencies, and especially
contractors to promote the local hire concept.

C) Raising the Level of Training
This session will consider strategies to address needs for further
development of different types of jobs/careers.  This session will
review the changes over the past 10 years that have created an infusion
of different environmental jobs and careers and how these new jobs have
affected the environmental labor market.

3:30 - 4:00 pm Break

4:00 - 5:00 pm - Report Back from Breakout Sessions

One to two key ideas will be presented from each breakout group,
followed by discussion.

Tuesday March 17
8:30 - 10:00 am - Panel Session: Trainee Perspectives and Reaction to
Worker Training Programs 

Panelists:  There will be 4 panelists making presentations during this

This session will focus on how trainee and community goals relate to
specific goals of the worker training programs.  Each panelist will take
10 minutes to present an opening statement.  This will be followed by
discussion among panelists and then by questions and discussion from the
floor.  This session will help participants gain an improved
understanding of the needs of trainees and how worker-training programs
may address these needs.

10:00 - 10:30 am - Break

10:30 - noon - Breakout Sessions: Adjusting to change and how to improve
worker training programs

A) Defining goals and evaluating how they are met.

What are the goals for environmental job training programs? Do
community/labor based projects meet the goals that have been set for
them?  There can be conflicts among collaborators about what constitutes
success.  This session will address methods for collaboratively defining
and evaluating accomplishments.

B)      Lessons Learned: How do we incorporate these lessons back into our

Worker Training Programs are involved in health and safety training,
educational and remedial training that all focus on increasing skill
level, safety, and prevention (avoiding hazardous exposures or reducing
adverse health impacts) on the job.  What lessons have been learned from
our work to date?  What works well?  What doesn't work?  What have we
learned from our successes and failures?

C)      Linking up with other Job Training Programs.  How can it be done?
This session will review various job training programs such as Job
Training and Partnership Act (JTPA), Youthbuild, School to Work, Welfare
to Work Programs, etc.  The primary focus will be to highlight
successful endeavors and suggest linkages between NIEHS and these
programs, as well as share and exchange information/strategies.
D)      Brownfields and its relationship to Job, Health and Safety

The session will focus on defining the clean up needs at Brownfields
sites and how job and work training programs can effectively address
those needs. What questions need to be addressed?

Noon - 1:00 pm - Report Back from Breakout Sessions

One to two key ideas will be presented from each breakout group,
followed by discussion.

1:00 - 3:00 pm - Lunch and Minority Worker Training Poster Displays
3:00 - 4:00 pm - Panel Session: Contractor Relationships- How to
successfully meet the needs of Environmental Contractors and Worker
Training Programs

There will be representatives from several environmental contractors
presenting information on their companies, interaction with labor, job
training programs, and other supporting industries. 
4:00 - 5:00 pm - Closing Address and Conclusions 

Billy Lucy, President, Coalition of Black Trade Unionist (invited)
Register Now for the 
NIEHS Environmental Job Training Summit
March 15-17, 1998
DoubleTree Hotel, Canal Street, New Orleans, LA

Please note: You are not considered registered until we receive your
payment. If you would like someone to contact you to get your credit
card information please check this box. 





City/State/Zip Code:________________________________________



Registration Fee:       

If payment is received by February 27, 1998.............$80.00 (includes
breakfast and lunch)
If payment is received on site..................................$100.00
(cannot guarantee availability of meals when registering on-site)

Cancellations must be received by February 27, 1998 in order to receive
a refund.

Space for the Bus Tour is limited. The maximum capacity for the bus tour
is 65 people. The first 65 people to indicate their interest will be
able to go on the bus tour. We will confirm your space on the bus with
you. Any questions regarding the bus tour should be addressed to Myra
Lewis, Xavier University at 504-488-1081. If you are planning to attend
the bus tour on Sunday, March 15 please check here.    ___________

Hotel Reservations should be made by calling the DoubleTree Hotel at
1-800-222-8733 before February 14, 1998. You must say that you are with
the NIEHS Environmental Job Summit in order to receive a group rate.

Method of payment:
Check enclosed payable to George Meany Center

Visa                    Charge account

MasterCard              Expiration Date________________

American Express        Authorized

Please send completed registration form, charge account information or
check payable to the 
George Meany Center to:
Karen L. Kneeland
National Clearinghouse for Worker Safety and Health Training
George Meany Center for Labor Studies
10000 New Hampshire Avenue
Silver Spring, MD 20903
(301) 431-5425 FAX (301) 431-6464 e-mail: chouse@dgsys.com


Application for Travel Scholarships - DEADLINE JANUARY 30, 1998

There are a limited number of travel scholarships available to assist
individuals from various organizations in participating in the 1998
Environmental Job Training Summit.  Full and partial scholarships will
be awarded to applicants that meet the basic qualifications.  Current
NIEHS Grantees and employees of the federal government are not eligible
to apply for scholarships.  All other interested parties, please
complete this application and return to Myra Lewis via mail, fax, or
email.  Xavier University - Deep South Center for Environmental Justice,
7325 Palmetto Street/P.O. Box 45B, New Orleans, LA  70125, attn:  Myra
Lewis, 504-488-1081 (phone) / 504-488-3081 (fax), mmarlewis@aol.com

PHONE NUMBER:  _____________________________  FAX NUMBER:
SCHOLARSHIP TYPES (registration fee for all scholarship recipients will
be paid):

        ____  Full Scholarship ( includes transportation, hotel, and per
        ____  Partial Scholarship (includes transportation/per diem or
and per diem*)
        ____  Local Scholarship (per diem*)

* Per diem is calculated based on $35.00/day which covers the cost of
meals not included in registration, local transportation, and other

TRAVEL ITINERARY: (Note:  The workshop begins with a toxic tour on
Sunday, March 15th.  The Summit is scheduled for Monday and Tuesday.  It
is suggested that scholarship recipients arrive Saturday, March 14th in
order to keep airline costs down.  In addition, recipients who receive
hotel scholarships must check out by Tuesday, March 17th).

        ____  Arrival date Saturday, March 14th
        ____  Arrival date Sunday, March 15th

Please provide one paragraph detailing information on why you deserve
consideration for a scholarship. Please include information on your
specific job function and how it relates to our job training program.



>From the desk of...

Sharon D. Beard
Industrial Hygienist
National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences
Division of Extramural Research and Training Program
Worker Education and Training Program
P.O. Box 12233, Mail Drop EC-25

Research Triangle Park, NC 27709-2233
E-mail:  beard1@niehs.nih.gov
www site:  http://www.niehs.nih.gov/wetp/home.htm

Phone:  919-541-1863
Fax:      919-541-0462

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