1998 CPEO Brownfields List Archive

From: don@eesi.org
Date: 20 Feb 1998 10:58:18
Reply: cpeo-brownfields
Subject: Letter of support for Pallone Bill
I thought members of the network might find this of interest.     
Subject: Letter of support for Pallone bill 
Author:  MIME:NDaschle@nrdc.org at INTERNET 
Date:    2/13/98 2:57 PM
As many of you know, Congressman Frank Pallone and others have been 
working on a Superfund proposal to better protect human health and the 
environment. This bill, the "Children's Protection and Community Cleanup Act," 
is the only proposal in Congress that retains polluter pays, improves 
the quality of cleanups, and gives communities real opportunities to 
participate.  The sponsors plan to introduce the bill the week of February 23.  
In the House, three proposals have already been introduced, all of 
which roll back existing protections in the Superfund program.  It is, 
therefore, extremely important that the environmental, public health, and 
community groups show strong support for this proposal to strengthen the program.
Please join NRDC, EDF, and US PIRG on a letter of support for the 
Pallone bill. Deadline for sign ons is 12:00 noon, Monday February 23.  To add your 
group to the list, please call Nathan Daschle at NRDC, 202/289 2417, or email 
him, ndaschle@nrdc.org, and give him the name of the signatory and your 
The letter is in text below.  
Thank you for your help.
February XX, 1998
Congressman Frank Pallone               Congressman Donald Payne
U.S. House of Representatives               U.S. House of 
Washington, D.C.  20515             Washington, D.C.  20515
Congressman John Lewis              Congressman Bobby Rush
U.S. House of Representatives               U.S. House of 
Washington, D.C.  20515             Washington, D.C.  20515
Congressman Henry Waxman                Congresswoman Diana DeGette
U.S. House of Representatives               U.S. House of 
Washington, D.C.  20515             Washington, D.C.  20515
Congressman Ed Markey               Congressman Maurice Hinchey
U.S. House of Representatives               U.S. House of 
Washington, D.C.  20515             Washington, D.C.  20515
Congresswoman Elizabeth Furse
U.S. House of Representatives
Washington, D.C.  20515
Dear Representatives:
We are writing to express our strong support for the bill developed by 
you and your colleagues to reauthorize the Superfund toxic clean up program, 
the "Children's Protection and Community Clean up Act."  While other 
Superfund proposals have been introduced in this Congress, this bill is 
the only one that will preserve the polluter pays principle, protect the 
health of children and the environment over the long term, offer affected communities 
real opportunities to participate in the clean up process, and enhance 
community right to know. 
First, we appreciate your efforts to improve the quality of clean ups 
while maintaining the preference for treatment in the remedy selection 
process. Unfortunately, treatment (as opposed to stop gap containment) 
remedies are currently being used only at selected sites and residential 
exposure assumptions are being used in only one third of clean up plans.  We 
should continue to encourage permanent cleanups wherever practicable and your
bill does so. Furthermore, we believe that any Superfund reform must recognize 
the needs of those especially susceptible to toxic exposure, such as children, 
people highly exposed to toxics, and older people.  We strongly support the 
provisions in your bill that provide these populations with the necessary 
We likewise support the enhanced community participation measures 
provided in your bill.  Real participation by the affected community does 
more than improve the quality of clean ups, it also helps them proceed more
rapidly.  We are especially pleased with your efforts to expand the right to
know about toxics, as well as inadequately tested chemicals, and to provide
communities with the information they need to protect themselves and 
participate meaningfully in clean up decisions.  We are especially happy to 
see that you have addressed growing concerns about environmental justice and 
we fully support your proposal to designate "Special Priority Areas" for 
priority clean up attention.
In addition, we support your efforts to clarify provisions that protect 
innocent landowners and small parties from abusive contribution suits and to 
exempt qualified prospective purchasers.  Just as important is your bill's 
provision removing the exemption from liability for petroleum V a special 
interest carveout that allows toxic petroleum releases to remain unaddressed.
The Children's Protection and Community Clean up Act is the first 
attempt at Superfund reauthorization that makes common sense changes to the 
program while protecting the environment and communities living with the 
hazards of toxic waste sites.  It deserves, and has, our strong support.  We 
thank you for your leadership on this very important issue.

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