1998 CPEO Brownfields List Archive

From: Career/Pro <cpro@igc.apc.org>
Date: Wed, 04 Mar 1998 16:28:51 -0800 (PST)
Reply: cpeo-brownfields
Hello Everyone,

The Clearwater Revival Company and West End Concerned Citizens at the
Alameda Naval Air Station, CA (which is a closing military base) have
developed a set of Community Acceptance Criteria (CAC). The CAC is a
list of goals and criteria for evaluating whether their cleanup plan is 
likely to be acceptable to the community. The goal of the CAC is to 
"...expedite the cleanup of contaminated sites in a manner that does not 
compromise a high level of environmental and human health protection." .

The following is a list of goals that would be considered a satisfactory
cleanup. Comlete details of the CAC are listed at the end of this

1.Protects the health of the community and the environment;
2.Investigates and addresses exposure to contaminants;
3.Supports the transfer of base property without property use
restrictions due to residual contamination;
4.Ensures the protection of the community and environment during cleanup
5.Supports interim reuse of the installation without jeopardizing the
cleanup activities or increasing the potential for additional cleanup;
6.Clean up to levels consistent with the state of California's water
non-degradation policy.

The web address for the full description of the Community Acceptance
Criteria http://home.earthlink.net/~clearh2orev/wecc1.html

Would Community Acceptance Criteria concept work in brownfields 

Has anyone come across other successful examples of how "communities"
have successfully influenced the cleanup/development process?

Tony Chenhansa

For more details about the CAC contact:
Patrick G. Lynch
Clearwater Revival Company
phone:  (510) 522 - 2165
fax:            (510) 522 - 8520
email:          clearh2orev@earthlink.net

Community Acceptance Criteria -- Detailed Description:

1.Ensure cleanup completion ten years after the Navy's last scheduled
ROD, up to the year 2050 for monitoring of residual contamination. That
allows one year of cleanup per each year of Navy occupancy.

2.Complete the cleanup project in a timely manner. Set a schedule for
cleanup activities to adhere to it.

3.Cleanup property near existing neighborhoods first. Residents deserve
to be protected from exposure to contamination. As fenceline property is

close to existing infrastructure, it makes the most sense to redevelop
this land first.

4.Cleanup levels should support property use that is unrestricted by
environmental contamination to ensure future land use flexibility and
protection of future occupants. Without full cleanup to standards
appropriate for residential use, the residual contamination will
restrict the future use of the property.

5.Create buffer zones around special use areas to ensure protection of
the community and the environment.

The following are recommended buffer zones:

Residences, schools, parks and daycare facilities: 250 ft. buffer zone
with most protective cleanup level (residential level cleanup without
property use restrictions)

Private wells and subterranean basements: 750 ft. buffer zone with
cleanup to drinking water standards to ensure protection at potential
groundwater contact points  Shoreline: 250 ft. buffer zone with cleanup
of soil and groundwater to standards protective of food web Buried
utility lines: 250 ft. buffer zone with cleanup of groundwater to
standards protective of the aquatic food web.

6.Investigate impacts of the migration of pollution off of the base. The
movement of contamination onto private and City property adjacent to the
base and to offshore areas in the Oakland Harbor and San Francisco Bay
has occurred. The Navy has the responsibility to extend its
investigation into these areas to determine the limits of its
contamination and clean up accordingly.

7.Eliminate contamination of the Bay eco-system by fully investigating
and remediating contaminated sediment surrounding the base.

8.Soil handling should be properly controlled to minimize releases of
contaminated soil into the air, onto adjacent properties, into storm
drains, and into the Bay. A schedule and budget which covers the
complete project should in place prior to initiation of removal

Excavation activities: No excavation when wind speed exceeds 15 mph. Air
monitoring should be conducted for excavation close to sensitive areas
and whenever the excavated soil exceeds 1,000  cubic yards.

Stockpiles: Soil piles should be placed at least 2,000 feet from
residences and 500 feet from wetlands and the Bay. They should be
immediately covered, with adequate stormwater runoff protection. They
should be inspected daily and repairs made immediately.  Transportation:

Soil transported off of the base should be adequately covered and should
follow  approved transportation routes.

9.Involve public in cleanup decisions. The public needs to be informed
of the risks from contaminated areas. A public record of cleanup
activities should be updated regularly, maintained and made accessible
at a local public library.

10.Adhere to existing cleanup practices. Following existing California
and federal cleanup laws and policies reduce the communityÕs burden to
learn multi-processes or to seek outside professional assistance. The
Navy should also demonstrate success of similar cleanup processes at
comparable federal facilities.

11.The public should be fully informed about the health risk form
naturally occurring chemicals. This health risk must be considered when
setting cleanup goals.

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