1998 CPEO Brownfields List Archive

From: Career/Pro <cpro@igc.apc.org>
Date: Fri, 06 Mar 1998 10:34:22 -0800 (PST)
Reply: cpeo-brownfields
Subject: FYI---- EJ P2 Grant Program Open
Just a quick request to you to help us spread the word about the
availability of the Environmental Justice Through Pollution Prevention 
Grants.  As you meet with communities or give speeches, please let  let 
them know about these monies. Feel free to forward this message on to 
other interested contacts -  nonprofits, local governments
or community groups.

The purpose is to empower low income, minority communities through
education on environmental issues and to provide pollution prevention 
resources and approaches for addressing these issues. The grants are open 
now and the deadline for applications is April 20, 1998.  These funds 
are different from the EJ small grants program which has an
earlier deadline.

A one page description of the grant program is listed below.  Anyone
interested in getting the application package has three choices:

     1.  Call (703) 841-0483
     2.  Send an email to: ejp2@erg.com
     3.  Go the web site at:  http://www.epa.gov/opptintr/ejp2>

Here's the a summary of the EJP2 info.  Please feel free to pass this
information along.

                    FY98 ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE

PURPOSE:  To empower low income, minority communities through education on
environmental issues and to provide pollution prevention resources and
approaches for addressing these issues.

ELIGIBLE APPLICANTS:    Any nonprofit organization incorporation under IRS
tax code 501(c)(3), federally recognized Indian tribal government, State, 
city, county or local government organization.

AWARD AMOUNT:       Up to $100,000 per grant

TOTAL $ AVAILABLE:            Approximately $380,000 in Region 9 in FY98

MATCHING SHARE:          No matching share required

KEY DATES:               Applications due: April 20, 1998
                    Selection by late Summer 1998

PRIORITIES:    See Guidance in Application Package for more information.
Overall, priorities include:

1.  Projects by community-based organizations and local governments that
improve environmental quality of affected communities using pollution 
prevention as a primary solution.
2.  Projects that encourage institutionalization and innovative use of
pollution prevention as the preferred approach for addressing 
environmental justice issues and whose activities and products can be 
supplied to other communities.

APPLICATIONS:  Call (703) 841-0483  or send email to ejp2@erg.com
               Check the EPA web site at: http://www.epa.gov/opptintr/ejp2>

CONTACT        Eileen Sheehan, U.S. EPA Region 9, Pollution Prevention Team
               Phone:  (415) 744-2190      Fax: (415) 744-1680
               Email: sheehan.eileen@epamail.epa.gov

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