From: | Career/Pro <> |
Date: | Thu, 19 Mar 1998 20:31:16 -0800 (PST) |
Reply: | cpeo-brownfields |
Some of the information is repetitive but there is information about HUD's involvement with the Brownfields Showcase Communities. There is a list of Empowerment Zones/ Enterprise Communities that are located in the 16 Showcase Communities. Tony Chenhansa CAREER/PRO --------------------------------------------- SECRETARY CUOMO APPLAUDS VICE PRESIDENT GORE'S PLAN TO SHOWCASE 16 COMMUNITIES FOR BROWNFIELDS ASSISTANCE Housing and Urban Development Secretary Andrew Cuomo applauded the announcement by Vice President Gore today of the selection of 16 Brownfields Showcase Communities. The 16 communities will receive targeted assistance from HUD, including technical and staff assistance. Secretary Cuomo said: "Brownfields often sit as prime real estate in the heart of Empowerment Zones and Enterprise Communities. In their day, these brownfields were the engines of America's urban greatness. Today, they can be a vessel for America's urban renewal - if we work together." Of the 16 Showcase Communities, three are Empowerment Zones and eight are Enterprise Communities. Vice President Gore said: "By working to transform contaminated brownfields into hubs of economic activity, we will create new jobs, new revenue and new opportunity. This partnership brings together government, business, community leaders, and citizens to guarantee stronger and healthier communities for the 21st century - places where our children can grow, our families can thrive, and the economy is sure to prosper." Brownfields economic redevelopment is a priority of our nation's mayors and HUD. There is an urgent need to inject new resources to jump-start the economic redevelopment of brownfields. HUD will provide $25 million in competitive Economic Development Initiative grants to assist communities across the country in the economic redevelopment of brownfield properties. The Department's 1999 budget seeks $50 million to help cities redevelop contaminated industrial and commercial sites. HUD's program is expected to leverage an additional $200 million investment and create about 28,000 construction and related jobs. HUD's Economic Development Initiative Grants, Community Development Block Grants and Section 108 Loan Guarantee Programs will help communities in their efforts to return these once thriving areas to productive use. In May 1997, Vice President Gore announced the Brownfields National Partnership - a two-year federal investment of $300 million for Brownfields cleanup and redevelopment. There are an estimated 450,000 Brownfields in the nation. Federal funding along with partnerships between businesses, community groups, and government will bring the resources and "know-how" needed to return these sites to productive use. HUD joins the EPA in providing a leading role in the cleanup and redevelopment of our urban landscape. Since 1993, the Clinton Administration has taken a series of actions to clean up and redevelop Brownfields and return them to productive use, including providing seed money to communities for revitalization; removing legal barriers to redevelopment; and providing a targeted tax incentive to businesses that purchase and clean up these sites. The 16 communities picked as the Brownfields Showcase Communities are: Baltimore, MD; Chicago, IL; Dallas, TX; East Palo Alto, CA; Glen Cove, NY; Kansas City, KS/ MO; Los Angeles, CA; Lowell, MA; Portland, OR; State of Rhode Island/Providence; St. Paul, MN; Salt Lake City, UT; Seattle, WA; Stamford, CT; Southeast Florida and Trenton, NJ. Each city will receive targeted assistance and serve as models for future cooperation among federal, state and local governments and the private sector in cleaning up and revitalizing communities. The Showcase Community cities with Empowerment Zones and Enterprise Communities designations are: Empowerment Zones: Baltimore, MD; Chicago, IL; Los Angeles, CA Enhanced Enterprise Community: Kansas City, MO./KS Enterprise Communities: Dallas, TX; Lowell, MA; Portland, OR; Providence, RI; St. Paul, MN; Seattle, WA; Miami/Dade Co., FL Find more information about HUD's involvement in Brownfields at: Find more information about EPA's Brownfields Partners at: Find more information about EPA's Brownfields Initiative at: | |
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