1998 CPEO Brownfields List Archive

From: "LIZ RETTENMAIER"<lrettenm@marasconewton.com>
Date: 30 Apr 1998 15:25:37
Reply: cpeo-brownfields
HUD has just released 2 Notices of Funding Available (NOFA)- announcements
of broad categories of grants that are open to competition, for a total of
$1.4 billion.  The announcement includes $176 million for economic
development and community empowerment programs.  Funding is available to
local and state governments, public housing authorities, non-profit and
faith-based groups, and other organizations, and may be used for
brownfields related activities.

HUD No. 98-182
Further Information:                                  For Release
In the Washington, DC area:  202/708-0685             Thursday
Or contact your local HUD office                      April 30, 1998


WASHINGTON - Housing and Urban Development Secretary Andrew Cuomo today
announced the availability of nearly $1.4 billion in additional grants for
communities and groups around the nation to help boost employment, build
housing, and create community and economic development programs - bringing
this year's total funding for such grants to nearly $2.7 billion.

The HUD grants are being offered through a new system of national
competitions that will award the funds more quickly and efficiently to
local and state governments, public housing authorities, non-profit and
faith-based groups, and other organizations. The new system is one of the
first of its kind used by a federal agency.

Until this year, HUD has posted 40 different Notices of Funding
Availability (NOFAs) for HUD grant competitions each year. Cuomo announced
in March that the competitions were being combined into three SuperNOFAs
-- the second and third of which were announced today.

"We are making the process of getting HUD grants easier, faster and
cheaper," Cuomo said. "We are replacing 40 NOFAs with three SuperNOFAs -
announcements of broad categories of grants that are open to competition.
This is a major improvement. It will enable state and local officials,
business people, and non-profit groups to spend less time and money
filling out forms - and more time and money creating jobs, building
housing and strengthening communities." The second SuperNOFA makes
available $176 million for economic development and community empowerment
programs, including programs to: create jobs; help redevelop brownfields
sites; train assisted housing residents and groups to own and manage
properties; help public housing residents move from welfare to work;
provide high school dropouts with education classes and employment skills;
and develop local lead hazard awareness campaigns.

The third SuperNOFA makes available $1.2 billion for homeless assistance
programs, including housing for people with AIDS, supportive housing for
the elderly, and housing and rental assistance for people with
disabilities. The third SuperNOFA also makes available $88 million in
Section 8 vouchers and certificates for people with disabilities.

Cuomo said that the first of the three HUD SuperNOFAS, issued March 31,
makes available $1.2 billion for housing and community development
programs, including: the HOPE VI program for public housing
revitalization, drug elimination grants for public and assisted housing,
fair housing initiatives grants, and community development technical
assistance programs.

Each SuperNOFA will provide grant applicants a complete listing or "menu"
of HUD competitive funding available in a given year, organized to reflect
the way communities approach local problems.

"We want to get the funds to the widest range of people and organizations
possible," Cuomo said. "This is vital to helping the nation's diverse
communities meet the challenges they face in building stronger, more
economically viable neighborhoods."

Through the SuperNOFA grant process, applicants can go to one source - the
SuperNOFA Information Center - to obtain application information, copies
of program regulations, and copies of Connecting With Communities, a
guidebook designed to make it easy for HUD partners at the state and local
level, and in non-profit, faith-based and other community organizations to
apply for funds.

The center can be reached from 8:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. Eastern Time, Monday
through Friday, by dialing toll-free 800/HUD-8929 or 800/483-2209 TTY.
Application information will be on the Internet at http://www.hud.gov

Interested applicants also can view and participate in live SuperNOFA
video training broadcasts. To take part in broadcasts a participant must
have a Pentium or better computer that features a sound card, and log onto
www.hud.gov After logging onto HUD's Website, participants can click on
SuperNOFA Video Broadcast/Live Simulcast Schedule.

SuperNOFA video training broadcasts scheduled for May include:

May 4 -- General Overview of the SuperNOFA and Programs in SuperNOFA II,
11 a.m. - 1 p.m. and 4 - 6 p.m.
May 11 -- General Overview of SuperNOFA and Programs in SuperNOFA III,
1:30 - 3 p.m.
May 20 -- Economic Development Initiative and Brownfields Economic
Development Initiative, 2:30 - 4:30 p.m.
May 27 -- Mark to Market, 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. and 5 - 7 p.m.; Continuum of
Care and Housing for Persons with AIDS, 1:30 - 5 p.m. For the entire
schedule, log onto HUD's Web site or call the new center.

Last revised: April 30, 1998

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