1998 CPEO Brownfields List Archive

From: Center for Public Environmental Oversight <cpro@igc.apc.org>
Date: Fri, 31 Jul 1998 14:08:53 -0700 (PDT)
Reply: cpeo-brownfields
Subject: Brownfields '98 Scholarship Information

November 16-18, 1998

The International City/County Management Association (ICMA) is pleased
to sponsor a limited number of full and partial scholarships for
participants who are interested in attending the Brownfields '98
conference but otherwise will not be able to attend without financial
assistance for travel. This will ensure participation by various
stakeholder groups in the brownfields cleanup and redevelopment process.
Scholarships will cover participant's travel (e.g. airfare and/or
mileage), up to two nights hotel accommodations (important note: room
and tax only), and the government per diem for two days. Please refer to
the EPA Brownfields '98 brochure of background information on the


To be eligible for a scholarship, you must be affiliated with or a
representative of a local government, state government, community
organization, environmental justice, or non-profit. Because funding is
limited, one scholarship per organization or government office will be
considered. Requests for partial scholarships will also be considered
for hotel and travel depending on the funds available.


To apply for a scholarship, submit a written narrative description no
longer than 250 words. The description should include: 1) Name of
Participant Applicant; 3) Organization/Affiliation and its activities
related to brownfields; 3) Address; 4) phone; 5) Fax; 6) You experience
related to brownfields; and 7) Reason(s) for requiring financial
assistance to attend the conference. There is no application form.


ICMA must receive all scholarship applications by September 15, 1998.
However, we strongly recommend that you submit your request as soon as
possible since funding is limited. Forward your application to:

Lisa McConnell
777 North Capitol Street, NE Suite 500
Washington,  DC 20002-4201
fax 202-962-3500


Please be sure you have registered for the Brownfields 98 Conference.
Call toll free 1-877-838-7220

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