1998 CPEO Brownfields List Archive

From: Alan Hipolito <alan@teleport.com>
Date: 18 Sep 1998 08:58:09
Reply: cpeo-brownfields
Subject: Feedback: Community Involvement
Dear Everyone,

My name is Alan Hipolito, and I work at the Urban League of Portland's
Office of Environmental Programs.  As some of you may know, Portland was
designated both as a Demonstration Pilot and a Showcase Community.  We
have had some significant problems at achieving meaningful community
involvement in those efforts.  I would be happy to discuss these in
further detail, but I will make this message brief.  Recently, we have
heard from EPA Region 10 that no other community is having such
involvement problems or environmental justice issues with that
community's Brownfields Demonstration Pilot or Showcase Project; in
short, these issues only seem to exist in Portland (thereby implying
that it is we in the community who have the problem).  I thought I'd
write to this discussion group to see whether any community folks out
there are having similar difficulties, including:

* lack of meaningful community involvement or access to brownfields
* the public sector obtaining pilot funds or showcase designation based
on statistics from its low- income communities or communities of color,
yet directing very little in the way of pilot/showcase resources to
those communities
* lack of response to community concerns
* being portrayed as malcontents when you advocate for your community's
legitimate     brownfields concerns

Thanks for your time

Alan Hipolito
Urban League of Portland

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Dear Everyone,

<P>My name is Alan Hipolito, and I work at the Urban League of Portland's
Office of Environmental Programs.&nbsp; As some of you may know, Portland
was designated both as a Demonstration Pilot and a Showcase Community.&nbsp;
We have had some significant problems at achieving meaningful community
involvement in those efforts.&nbsp; I would be happy to discuss these in
further detail, but I will make this message brief.&nbsp; Recently, we
have heard from EPA Region 10 that no other community is having such involvement
problems or environmental justice issues with that community's Brownfields
Demonstration Pilot or Showcase Project; in short, these issues only seem
to exist in Portland (thereby implying that it is <I>we</I> in the community
who have the problem).&nbsp; I thought I'd write to this discussion group
to see whether any community folks out there are having similar difficulties,

<P>* lack of meaningful community involvement or access to brownfields
<BR>* the public sector obtaining pilot funds or showcase designation based
on statistics from its low- income communities or communities of color,
yet directing very little in the way of pilot/showcase resources to those
<BR>* lack of response to community concerns
<BR>* being portrayed as malcontents when you advocate for your community's
legitimate&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; brownfields concerns

<P>Thanks for your time

<P>Alan Hipolito
<BR>Urban League of Portland</HTML>


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