1998 CPEO Brownfields List Archive

From: Kahan.Bobbie@epamail.epa.gov
Date: 13 Oct 1998 08:08:36
Reply: cpeo-brownfields
Subject: T-21 workshops

For Immediate Release, Please Distribute Widely
October 6, 1998
Contact: Karen Nozik, Rails-to-Trails Conservancy,

TEA-21 Regional Workshops to be Held in DC, Chicago, Atlanta, and San

Wash., DC - Four regional training workshops will be held in Washington,
DC, Chicago, Atlanta, and San Francisco this fall to explain TEA-21 in
full detail and to ensure that local communities tap into new
opportunities afforded by the federal transportation law. The goal is to
educate elected officials, local activists, and transportation
professionals about the new law, facilitate cooperation in the four
regions, and focus on local, state, regional, and national
implementation strategies.

The workshops are sponsored by the Surface Transportation Policy Project
and Rails-to-Trails Conservancy and will be held:

*    Washington, DC October 30
*    Chicago        November 6
*    Atlanta        December 4
*    San Francisco  December 11

Each one-day regional workshop will cover such topics as: How to
Influence Spending of the Highway and Transit Funds, Stopping Bad
Projects and Pushing for Good Projects, Changes in Transportation
Enhancements and CMAQ, the new Access to Jobs provisions, Understanding
the Programming and Planning Provisions, and New Funding Opportunities.
A panel of national and local experts will be on hand to answer
questions, provide successful examples, and explain the broad view and
nuances of the law.

Registration is limited to 200 per workshop on a first come, first
served basis. To register, visit www.tea21.org.

The Program:
Each of the regional workshops will be a one-day training and will offer
five different sessions.  Sessions will be repeated during the day so
participants will have the opportunity to cover a variety of topics.

I. Planning: From Vision to Reality
*    Planning and Programming
*    Major Investment Studies
*    Stopping Bad Projects and Pushing for Good Projects
*    Land Use and Transportation
*    NEPA and "Environmental Streamlining"

II. Enhancing Communities
*    Transportation Enhancements
*    Bicycle, Pedestrian, and Safety Provisions
*    Flexible Design Standards
*    Historic Preservation
*    Urban Renovation

III. High Finance
*    Flexible Funding
*    Innovative Financing
*    Transferability
*    The New Minimum Guarantee Program
*    Tolls/Pricing

IV. Getting to Jobs
*    Getting from Welfare to Work
*    Funding and Application Process
*    Commuter Choice/Tax Incentives

V. Expanding Clean Transportation Choices
*    The Transit New Starts Program
*    CMAQ
*    Alternative Fuels
*    Transit Enhancements

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