From: | |
Date: | 22 Dec 1998 10:47:03 |
Reply: | cpeo-brownfields |
Subject: | Community Participation and EJ in Fed BF Initiatives |
If you have any comments about this research article please feel free to comment to the authors directly or to the Brownfields newsgroup. Thanks Tony Analysis of Community Participation and Environmental Justice in Federal Brownfield Initiatives Center for Energy and Environmental Policy (CEEP) University of Delaware Newark, DE 19716 PH: (302) 831-8405 FAX: (302) 831-3098 WEBSITE: This article will be published in the Urban Habitat Program's upcoming Journal of Race, Poverty and Environment on Land and Social Justice/Special Issue on Brownfields. It summarizes a forthcoming CEEP report on "Community Participation and Brownfield Initiatives: The Role of Environmental Justice in Urban Revitalization." For additional information, or to receive a copy of the full report, please contact Dr. John Byrne ( or Raymond P. Scattone ( Brownfields expose many of the important environmental, social, cultural, and economic problems of urban America. They are an outgrowth of interrelated forces shaping the national landscape: urban sprawl, environmental degradation, residential segregation, disinvestment, and persistent socioeconomic, racial, and class divisions. In a landmark study in 1987, the United Church of Christ Commission for Racial Justice established a clear link between race, income, and the siting of hazardous waste and toxic waste facilities. It found that commercial hazardous waste facilities had the greatest chance of being situated near communities predominantly composed of racial and ethnic minorities. The National Law Journal reported in 1992 that the Environmental Protection Agency(EPA) took 20% longer to place abandoned hazardous and toxic waste sites in minority communities on the national priorities list than it took to list similar facilities situated elsewhere. It also found that polluters of those neighborhoods paid fines 54% lower than polluters of white communities. In 1992 EPA concluded that people of color and low-income communities experience disproportionately high exposure to toxic pollutants throughout the U.S. A 1994 National Wildlife Fund report reviewed 64 major cases of environmental threats to public health, covering issues of pesticide exposure, workplace hazards, air and water pollution, solid and toxic waste, lead poisoning, trash incineration, and sewage disposal. It found that low-income or minority communities were at greatest risk in all but one of the cases examined. Finally, in a 1995 study, the Center for Policy Alternatives estimated that minorities are 47% more likely than whites to live near a commercial toxic waste facility and 170% more likely to live in areas with multiple toxic facilities. Efforts to clean up brownfields are inextricably linked to issues of environmental justice. Central to an environmental justice (EJ) approach to brownfields is a recognition of the interconnectedness of environmental hazards and risks with patterns of unequal development. In 1995 EPA and the National Environmental Justice Advisory Committee (NEJAC) cosponsored public hearings to provide an opportunity for EJ advocates and residents of brownfield-affected communities to contribute their views on cleanup and redevelopment. A major conclusion was that community participation in decisions governing remediation and development of brownfields is essential to ensuring that EJ issues are actively addressed. In 1996 NEJAC published "Public Dialogues on Urban Revitalization and Brownfields: Envisioning Healthy and Sustainable Communities," which formally acknowledged the relationship between brownfields redevelopment and environmental justice. The EPA's National and Regional Brownfields Pilot Projects Program highlights this link. Since 1994 the program has provided $24 million to 228 communities for brownfields cleanup and redevelopment. The program requires awardees to provide the means for minority and low-income communities in affected areas to participate in and contribute to decisions on the revitalization of brownfields. Further, awardees are expected to describe how their plans will ensure that affected communities "benefit environmentally and economically" from the assessment, cleanup, and reuse of brownfields. In 1997 the University of Delaware's Center for Energy and Environmental Policy (CEEP) initiated a study to analyze and learn from EJ and community participation (CP) efforts in EPA's National Brownfields Pilot Projects, and to provide recommendations on community participation to the Urban Environmental Center, a community-based organization formed in Delaware to raise citizen awareness about urban environmental issues.From among the 64 projects that had been designated as of 1997, CEEP screened more than 30 with respect to community involvement. Ten sites were selected for in-depth analysis based on their geographic, racial, and ethnic diversity and on the variety of community approaches those cities were undertaking as part of their projects: Baltimore, MD; Bridgeport, CT; Burlington, VT; Cape Charles-Northampton County, VA; Charlotte, NC; Cleveland, OH; Kansas City, KS and MO; New Orleans, LA; Portland, OR; and Trenton, NJ. As a reflection of progress in their brownfields efforts, four of these sites (Baltimore, Kansas City, Portland, and Trenton) have recently been named Brownfields Showcase Communities by EPA. The 10 projects were analyzed according to seven key factors. *Inclusiveness of a community participation component *Mechanisms for community involvement *Obstacles encountered to community involvement *Community perspectives on needs assessment *The existence of an environmental justice component *Promotion of community-industry partnerships *Overall strengths and achievements These issues were explored by means of a series of interviews conducted with the EPA Regional Office with jurisdiction, the local government office administering the award, and community members and organizations involved in the project. Supplementing the interview responses were supporting documents obtained from EPA and those administering the projects. Follow-up interviews were conducted to clarify information and identify issues that participants believed were relevant but had not yet been address. CEEP's team solicited feedback from all involved on its conclusions from each case study and revised its analysis when appropriate. The findings and implications to be drawn from the case studies were then aggregated to provide a snapshot of national experience with brownfields redevelopment and environmental justice. Although an EJ component is required, none of the 10 brownfields pilots contained formal mechanisms or centrally located offices handling EJ. Those administering pilots often had little knowledge of whom to contact for help concerning EJ issues. Instead, EJ was handled on an ad hoc basis in each pilot. The matter was further complicated by incomplete federal oversight and evaluation. In most cases, those at the regional level had not monitored pilots with respect to EJ and CP in part because EPA had not spelled out set measures to evaluate pilots in this regard. What's more, because CP and EJ directives from EPA were not specific, the degree of citizen involvement varied greatly from pilot to pilot. CEEP constructed a continuum to capture the variability in citizen involvement-from reactive to pro-active CP. In the reactive cases, decisions concerning brownfields development were made among government and business partners, with communities included after the fact in an advisory role. In the pro-active cases, communities were involved continuously from the start. The differences in capacity to address EJ issues were predictable: those with a pro-active CP component proved to be better equipped than their reactive counterparts. This finding underscores the importance of community involvement in and awareness of brownfields planning. In many pilots, residents of affected communities were initially unaware of how they could articulate their views in the process of redevelopment. If NEJAC's aims regarding brownfields and EJ are to be effectively met, it is clear that awareness-building must be included in the brownfields planning process. Finally, community participation, regardless of how successfully it may be implemented, will have little lasting value if the affected community does not see concrete results from its involvement. In order to attract citizens' involvement throughout the brownfields process, pilot projects need to deliver remediation and reuse plans that are endorsed by the affected community. EPA's pilot projects, however, award funds for site assessment and CP and EJ activities only. CEEP's findings suggest that EPA should consider an explicit objective of consensus-based remediation and reuse planning in which community participation is formally required. CEEP's study has identified a number of important lessons: * Community residents possess the knowledge of neighborhood environmental and social problems that is essential to the pursuit of just and sustainable development. * For affected communities to benefit from brownfields redevelopment, clear, community-based goals must be defined, including economic, environmental, and social benefits. * An important action to ensure environmental justice is the establishment of community clearinghouses and support offices to build awareness and capacity to choose development options that are consistent with EJ principles. * Linking the goals and resources of programs such as empowerment zones and enterprise communities to brownfields redevelopment can substantially improve CP and EJ efforts. * A "Brownfields Case Study" information system needs to be created so that communities can learn from one another's experiences, especially with regards to CP, EJ, and brownfields. Center for Energy and Environmental Policy, University of Delaware | |
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