1999 CPEO Brownfields List Archive

From: Amber Evans <aevans@uclink4.berkeley.edu>
Date: Thu, 25 Feb 1999 12:29:50 -0800 (PST)
Reply: cpeo-brownfields
Subject: Call for Sustainability Case Studies

To obtain case studies to be presented at the Future 500's annual
conference, Industrial Ecology IV: Profit in Sustainability (Apr 29-May 2),
and featured in an upcoming manual and considered for a book project.
Companies that have discovered "The Profit In Sustainability - The
Sustainability of Profit," the theme of this year's conference and manual.
Global Futures Foundation was founded in 1988 to resolve conflicts and
forge partnerships between business and environmental interests.  We work
closely with prominent corporations such as Coors, Hewlett-Packard,
Mitsubishi Electric, Nike, and many others, to forge partnerships with
environmental and governmental organizations ranging from Greenpeace,
Sierra Club, and Rainforest Action Network, to EPA and state regulators.
One of our primary projects is an international business network called The
Future 500.  The Future 500 develops measurement, management, and policy
tools that generate profits from sustainable business practices.  The
network hosts the annual "Industrial Ecology" conference series.
The theme at this year's Industrial Ecology IV conference is The Profit in
Sustainability - The Sustainability of Profit.  During the event, a
roundtable will feature case studies presented by companies and
organizations that have generated sustainable profits.  These will be
included in our upcoming industrial ecology manual and considered for a
book we are preparing for a major publisher.
To be included, we request the following:
**  Background materials on the company and one or more innovations that
have demonstrated how implementing sustainability programs is profitable or
how being profitable is being sustainable.
**  A Case Study to include in our Industrial Ecology manual (Word limit:
500-2500; please choose a length that is appropriate for the story).  A
review draft MUST be completed by April 1 and AVAILABLE FOR PRESENTATION at
the IE IV conference.
We are especially interested in process:  How did the innovation come
about?  What measurement or incentive systems were used?  What management
principles helped or hindered its development? What company policies helped
or hindered the innovation's development and implementation?  What were the
bottom line impacts - savings as well as new business opportunities? What
were the environmental and social impacts; How were they measured?  Name
some of the people responsible and innovation champions.
**  A representative to interview for comments that will be considered for
inclusion in a book on corporate sustainability by Tachi Kiuchi.
** A company representative to participate at Industrial Ecology IV, our
conference to be held April 29 to May 2 near San Jose, California.  For
more information, please see our web page at: http://www.globalff.org.
Membership in Future 500 is not required for inclusion in the case study
project, but always welcomed.  Full members of the Future 500 can have a
free case study prepared by our staff as a membership benefit.
The more specific you can be about dollars saved, value created, and
environmental and social impacts, the more likely we will be able to make
full use of your materials.  But please do not feel burdened to provide
more material than your constraints allow.  We are grateful for your
Thank you very much.  We congratulate you on your achievements towards
sustainability, and look forward to featuring them in our publications and
conference.  Please feel forward this request to any other interested parties.
If you have questions or need more information, please contact Millie Chu
at millie_chu@globalff.org.

Following please find a form intended to guide the writing of your case

How did the innovation start?
Was a need identified? if so, by whom? How was it measured?
Was there a project champion?
Was there immediate executive approval? If not, how did you get it?
Was it implemented by internal or external personnel?  If internal, on
employees' own time or within their job capacities?
How did you overcome internal resistance to implementation?
Key success factors?
Pitfalls to watch out for?

Do you feel that this innovation can be duplicated for other business units
within your company or at another company?
Economic Impacts:  (Specific savings and value creation whenever possible)
Please explain how you arrived at these numbers, what you used for your
baseline if answer is given in terms of savings.
Environmental Impacts:
Social Impacts:

Global Futures Foundation
801 Crocker Road
Sacramento, CA  95864
(916) 486-5999 voice    (916) 486-5990 fax

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