1999 CPEO Brownfields List Archive

From: Cuyahoga County Planning Commission <cpc@planning.co.cuyahoga.oh.us>
Date: Mon, 10 May 1999 11:25:12 -0700 (PDT)
Reply: cpeo-brownfields
Subject: Ohio revolving loan fund

In response to Alan Hipolito's comment about Ohio's use of the State
Revolvoing Loan Fund for brownfields, I believe that the Cuyahoga County
Brownfields pilot was the first to use the fund.  We had successfully
lobbied legislators to use that source of funds in the states
Browfield's law in 1994.  That source of funds, coupled with a the Ohio
Water Development Authority funds, which may be used for corrective
actions than surface water and groundwater, accessed two substantial

Cuyahoga County has also signed agreements between the Authority and The
Ohio EPA to help underwrite our interest costs on County Bonds within
the County Brownfields Redevelopment Fund.  These development structures
are the brainchild of very talented \working Group members.  My number
in Cleeland is 216/443-3716.

Virginia Aveni

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