1999 CPEO Brownfields List Archive

From: Catalina Garzon <garzcat@igc.org>
Date: Tue, 18 May 1999 11:20:38 -0700 (PDT)
Reply: cpeo-brownfields
Subject: Brownfields Community Guide Just Released!!

Community Guide to Brownfields Redevelopment Just Released!!!

Building Upon Our Strengths: A Community Guide to Brownfields
Redevelopment in the San Francisco Bay Area is a handbook for urban and
older suburban communities on brownfields redevelopment.

The Community Guide is designed to prepare communities to speak with an
effective voice as they take their seats at the brownfields
redevelopment table. With an environmental justice vision, the Community
Guide provides a regional and historical framework for looking at
brownfields as a means of attaining just and sustainable communities.

Both an educational and organizing tool, the Community Guide aims to
assist communities in familiarizing themselves with the phases of the
brownfields redevelopment process; understanding the perspectives of the
various stakeholders involved; and identifying the different issues they
must work through to realize their vision for brownfields

By sharing lessons learned through Bay Area efforts, the Community Guide
strives to contribute to the forging of innovative brownfields
redevelopment strategies at the regional and local levels based on
strong community-based alliances and collaborative relationships among
diverse stakeholders.

The Community Guide also includes a glossary, list of common
abbreviations, a directory of brownfields organizations in the Bay Area,
and other helpful tools that will expedite the learning process for
communities facing the challenges and opportunities posed by brownfields

The Community Guide is a newly released publication of the Urban Habitat
Program's Community Revitalization and Land Restoration Project. Through
research, leadership training, and policy advocacy, UHP's Community
Revitalization and Land Restoration Project supports community-driven
efforts to clean up and reuse vacant, blighted, and contaminated land as
a means of addressing health, environmental, and economic needs of
low-income communities of color in the San Francisco Bay Area. Using
brownfields or land recycling as one of many community-building
strategies, UHP works to build the capacity and leadership of
community-based organizations to effectively direct urban revitalization
efforts across the region.

To order your copy of the Community Guide, please contact either Torri
Estrada, Project Coordinator, at (415) 561-3336, or Catalina Garzón,
Project Associate, at (415) 561-3328, or send a check or money order for
$23.00 (includes shipping & handling) to:

Urban Habitat Program/Tides Center
PO Box 29908
Presidio Station
San Francisco, CA  
FAX: (415) 561-3334
EMAIL: tje@igc.org

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