From: | Betty Weiss <> |
Date: | Thu, 23 Sep 1999 15:31:45 -0700 (PDT) |
Reply: | cpeo-brownfields |
Subject: | Call for Nominations-Communities Leading the Way |
SMART GROWTH: COMMUNITIES LEADING THE WAY Call For Nominations Send us your story by October 31st! Receive national recognition for your work! Does This Sound Like Your Organization? * You are concerned about the well being of low-income communities. * You work for better access to public transportation. * You fight for affordable housing opportunities in all areas of your metropolitan region. * You are concerned about preserving and reinvigorating the unique, positive qualities of rural communities. * You find ways to address the lack of job opportunities in low-income neighborhoods and communities of color. * You want to see empty buildings and lots in your community redeveloped. * You are concerned about the environmental effects of industrial facilities or abandoned buildings in your neighborhood. * You want to maintain your neighborhood business district and financial resources, and attract appropriate business to your area. * You work with diverse partners to address any or all of these concerns. If so................ TELL US YOUR STORY! We are looking for examples of community-based organizations that are addressing the environmental, economic, and social impacts of sprawl through local community development or community building initiatives. Organizations selected will receive national recognition. All applicants will receive free copies of the National Neighborhood Coalition's project reports and information about how to contact others who are doing similar work. 1.) PUBLICATIONS: NNC will publish a series of informative reports that will highlight the work of local organizations. These reports will be distributed nationally to audiences that include community organizations, funders, and other interested parties that want to know more about how to become involved in helping regional growth benefit communities. 2.) AWARDS: Organizations that are doing particularly exemplary work will receive additional exposure during a major national smart growth or community development event next year as recipients of the first ever Communities Leading the Way awards. THE NATIONAL NEIGHBORHOOD COALITION The NNC is an umbrella organization of national nonprofits, networks of community, neighborhood and faith-based organizations, and other advocates who are committed to promoting socially and economically healthy and vibrant neighborhoods. NNC is also a partner in the Smart Growth Network. As part of its commitment to low-income neighborhoods and communities of color, the NNC has initiated the Neighborhoods, Regions and Smart Growth Project. The goals of this project are to promote urban and rural neighborhoods as the building blocks of regional smart growth policies and help community-based organizations find ways to have an impact on regional decisions. COMMUNITIES LEADING THE WAY will bring attention to innovative, community-level efforts and help ensure that other low-income neighborhoods and communities of color have a voice in and benefit from regional smart growth policies, instead of being left out or left behind. You will be playing an important leadership role by participating in this effort. SUBMIT COMPLETED NOMINATION FORM TO NNC BY OCTOBER 31st: Please complete our on-line nomination form at: Leading The Way Submit forms to: National Neighborhood Coalition Neighborhoods, Regions and Smart Growth Communities Leading the Way 1875 Connecticut Ave., NW #410 Washington, DC 20009 via fax (202)986-1941 or e-mail: FOR MORE INFORMATION ON THE NATIONAL NEIGHBORHOOD COALITION (INCLUDING A LIST OF MEMBERS) AND THE NEIGHBORHOODS, REGIONS, AND SMART GROWTH PROJECT: Visit NNC's website: OR call (202)986-2096. NOMINATION FORM ________________________________________________________________________ Nomination Eligibility: Groups eligible for Neighborhoods, Regions and Smart Growth, Communities Leading the Way are: 1) Community, neighborhood or faith-based organizations or coalitions of such groups; 2) Advancing important principles in regional growth such as: * Working to reduce economic and other disparities within their metropolitan area * Creating better access to quality goods, services, and opportunities * Promoting comprehensive, long term development that maximizes use of local resources * Promoting a neighborhood/community focus at the regional level * Expanding neighborhood participation in local and regional decision-making * Addressing social, economic or environmental issues related specifically to race and ethnicity * Reaching across normal boundaries by: Working with different groups in other neighborhoods or jurisdictions on issues of common concern; or Working on multiple issues to rebuild communities; or Crossing sector lines by working with diverse partners to improve neighborhoods within a region. 3) Able to demonstrate their success or impact. ________________________________________________ I am nominating: ___ my organization ___ another organization ___ a coalition of organizations (if you are nominating someone other than your own organization, please include your name and contact information with this form). Organization: Contact: Title: Phone: Fax: Email: Address: City: State: Zip code: What is the organization's mission? What issues has the organization been involved in? __ Affordable Housing __ Economic Development __ Historic Preservation __ Transportation __ Schools/Education __ Food Security/Gardens __ Redeveloping Abandoned Areas __ Jobs __ Community organizing __ Environmental Justice Other: ___________________________________________________________________ What other organizations or public agencies are involved in this effort? (Or have been involved in the past?) __ Community Development Organizations __ Neighborhood Associations __ Faith-Based Groups or Congregations __ Community Action Agencies __ Local Planning Bodies __ Regional Planning Bodies __ Other Governmental Units __ Regional or Statewide Coalitions __ Environmental Groups __ University Departments or Research Centers Other: __________________________________________________________________ What specific project or effort might be considered an example of community leadership? (Must be a current or very recently completed project) What is the geographic scope of this effort? __ Single Neighborhood __ Multi-Neighborhood across city/suburb or urban/rural lines __ Multi-Neighborhood within same area (central city, inner-ring suburbs, rural, etc.) __ Rural/Small town __ Region or County __ State __ National Is there anything else you would like to tell us about why this organization's work is unique? __ Send me more information about the National Neighborhood Coalition. ________________________________________________________________ Thanks for sending us your nomination! National Neighborhood Coalition Neighborhoods, Regions and Smart Growth: Communities Leading the Way 1875 Connecticut Ave. NW, Suite 410 Washington, DC 20009 fax: (202)986-1941 email: --------------EF7869B62B656E8F88FCCEEA Content-Type: text/x-vcard; charset=us-ascii; name="vcard.vcf" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Content-Description: Card for Betty Weiss Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="vcard.vcf" begin: vcard fn: Betty Weiss n: Weiss;Betty org: National Neighborhood Coalition email;internet: title: Executive Director note: (202)986-2096 phone x-mozilla-cpt: ;0 x-mozilla-html: FALSE version: 2.1 end: vcard --------------EF7869B62B656E8F88FCCEEA-- | |
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