1999 CPEO Brownfields List Archive

From: jspagnol@calepa.ca.gov
Date: Thu, 4 Nov 1999 11:24:45 -0800 (PST)
Reply: cpeo-brownfields
Subject: RE: Re[2]: [CPEO-BIF] Urban Growth Boundaries
Martha your point is very well taken.  

Talking to a fellow last night with some experience in demographics and he
opined that, if you look at the median/mean ages of those arriving in
California and our current sub-population of young adults, including those
up to ages 35, etc., the population "boom" is already here in babies yet to
be born, let alone young people continuing to arrive in California for all
the right response, e.g., jobs, climate, lifestyle, etc.. . 

Tough issue to address but certainly relevant. A few years ago Sierra Club
attempted to get into this discussion and, as I recall, was vilified for it,
e.g. arrogant, elitist, etc.  

Trouble is, without that as part of the discussion, you always have an
"unknown" which can throw projections off and muddle forecasts, projections,
etc.  (These are my personal opinions of course, and do not reflect the
position of Cal/EPA or the Secretary, etc., etc.)

Comments from others?

-----Original Message-----
From: brock.martha@epamail.epa.gov [mailto:brock.martha@epamail.epa.gov]
Sent: Thursday, November 04, 1999 10:07 AM
To: cpeo-brownfields@igc.topica.com
Subject: Re[2]: [CPEO-BIF] Urban Growth Boundaries

Original message from Brock.Martha@epamail.epa.gov

I posted a note recently about how we mustn't overlook the impact on Smart
Growth of the basic underlying premise that growth is good.  The
conversation on Urban Growth Boundaries is, I believe, a perfect example of
this impact.  How about including control on population  growth as part of
the solution.  No, it isn't a quick fix, but we MUST deal with it.  We will
continue to reap what we sow.  If continue to sow population growth at
rates which outstrip our ability to take care of all of us, whether the
issues implicated are clean air, infrastructure capable of handling our
needs for clean water and  sewage management, quality of life or affordable
housing, there will be no solution. How we divy up limited space will
continue to engender these problems and more problems than we Americans are
accustomed to living with, but which many other cultures, sadly, live with
every  day.

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