2000 CPEO Brownfields List Archive

From: CPEO Moderator <cpeo@cpeo.org>
Date: Wed, 28 Jun 2000 15:19:09 -0700 (PDT)
Reply: cpeo-brownfields
Subject: [CPEO-BIF] 8/21 Deadline: Brownfields 2000 Travel Scholarships
International City/County Management Association's
Atlantic City, New Jersey 	October 11-13, 2000

The International City/County Management Association (ICMA) is pleased to
sponsor a limited number of full and partial scholarships for participants
who are interested in attending the Brownfields 2000 conference but
otherwise will not be able to attend without financial assistance for
travel.  This will ensure participation by various stakeholder groups in
the brownfields cleanup and redevelopment process.  Full scholarships will
cover participant's travel (e.g., airfare and/or mileage), up to two nights
hotel accommodations (important note: room and tax only), and the
government per diem for two days.  Partial scholarships will cover any one
or more of these elements.  This year, ICMA will place special emphasis on
offering scholarships to applicants who have not received them previously.


To be eligible for a scholarship, applicants must be affiliated with or a
representative of a local government, state government, community
organization, environmental justice organization, or not-for-profit entity.
 Please complete form below and return with application.  Because funding
is limited, only one scholarship per organization or government office will
be considered.  Requests for partial scholarships will also be considered
for hotel and travel depending on the funds available.  Please fill out the
below form and attach it to your application.

I am representing (check all of the following statements that apply to your

____	A non-profit or community organization (check the criterion below if

____	The organization that I represent is receiving CDBG funds or plans to
apply to participate in brownfields' programs being funded by CDBG,
including Section 108 loan guarantees, Economic Development Initiative
grants and Brownfields Economic Development Initiative grants.

____	A local government (Entitlement Community) (check the criterion below
if applicable).

____	The public agency I represent is participating or planning to
participate in brownfields' programs being funded by CDBG, including
Section 108 loan guarantees, Economic Development Initiative grants and
Brownfields Economic Development Initiative grants.

____	A local government (Non-entitlement Community) (check the criterion
below if applicable).

____	The public agency I represent is participating or planning to apply to
participate in brownfields' programs being funded by CDBG, including
Section 108 loan guarantees, Economic Development Initiative grants and
Brownfields Economic Development Initiative grants.

____	A state government (check the criterion below if applicable).

____	The state agency that I represent is participating or planning to
participate in brownfields' programs being funded by CDBG, including
Section 108 loan guarantees, Economic Development Initiative grants and
Brownfields Economic Development Initiative grants.
To apply for a scholarship, submit a written narrative description no
longer than 250 words.  The description should include: (1) Name of
Participant Applicant; (2) Organization/Affiliation and its activities
related to brownfields; (3) Address; (4) Phone; (5) Fax; (6) Your
experience related to brownfields; and (7) Reason(s) for requiring
financial assistance to attend the conference.  There is no application
form.  Please be sure to fill out and attach the form on page one to your

ICMA must receive all scholarship applications by Monday, August 21, 2000.
However, we strongly recommend that you submit your request as soon as
possible since funding is limited.  Forward your application to:

Adam Ploetz
777 North Capitol Street, NE
Suite 500
Washington, DC  20002-4201
Phone: (202) 962-3601
Fax: (202) 962-3500

For more information on the Brownfields 2000 conference, visit ICMA's web
site (icma.org) or the official Brownfields 2000 web site

To read CPEO's archived Brownfields messages visit

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