2000 CPEO Brownfields List Archive

From: CPEO Moderator <cpeo@cpeo.org>
Date: Mon, 16 Oct 2000 11:57:10 -0700 (PDT)
Reply: cpeo-brownfields
Subject: [CPEO-BIF] Authentic Signs of Hope
[This was posted to the list by Michael Taylor, taylor@vita-nuova.com]

Several very positive events occurred at Brownfields 2000. Some big; 
some small.

Harvard and Ford recognized EPA for their Brownfields program.

John Devillars(former EPA Region I Chief) and Michael Porter-the inner 
city competitiveness guru- are putting together a $100mm fund to invest 
in inner city businesses.

Several new developers including the Chairman of NAIOP attended the 
conference and seem genuinely interested in what the community wants to 
do with brownfields sites.

The Partnership for Sustainable Brownfeilds Redevelopment held a 
workshop on their new stakeholder evaluation process and instead of 15 
people as expected, 50 came. What was striking was that it was not 50 
community representatives whom you would expect to be interested in this 
topic. It was 50 municipal officials, Brownfields Coordinators, 
consultants, developers and others who know they need to implement 
stakeholder processes. Community activism is having an effect. 
Implementors of development know they need to work with communities. 

The links are forming between Smart Growth and Brownfields. One doesn't 
really have an effect without the other. 

I'm sure there were more. Maybe others had similar experiences at 
Brownfields 2000?

Michael Taylor
Vita Nuova LLC
97 Head of Meadow Rd
Newtown, CT 06470
(203)270-3422 fax

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