2000 CPEO Brownfields List Archive

From: adempsey@pacific-rim.org
Date: Tue, 24 Oct 2000 16:50:35 -0700 (PDT)
Reply: cpeo-brownfields
Subject: [CPEO-BIF] Please post
Could you please post this announcement to your list service?  If you have
any questions, please contact me.  Thanks very much!

Ann Dempsey
Pacific Rim Enterprise Center
(206) 224-9934 X 21


Land Transfer and Long-term Management of Contaminated Federal Facilities

The U.S. Department of Energy=92s Oakland Operations Office and Office of
Science and Technology, and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Region
9, will sponsor a workshop entitled, =93Land Transfer and Long-term
Management of Contaminated Federal Facilities=94 December 13-15, 2000, at th=
Argent Hotel in San Francisco.  Participating agencies include the US
Department of Defense, the US Army, US Navy, and US Air Force.

With a focus on the unique policy and technical issues that affect federal
facilities, the workshop will engage a wide range of players in the
environmental field:  federal and state project managers and regulators;
private sector contractors; technology researchers and vendors; insurance
and finance representatives who work on redevelopment projects; and public
interest groups and stakeholders.  Guest speakers will address topics such=

=B7	Land transfer =AD case studies and keys to success
=B7	Managing contamination over the long term
=B7	Liability issues and risk financing
=B7	Risk Based Corrective Action:  rewarding risk reduction
=B7	Land use and institutional controls
=B7	Post-closure sampling and monitoring techniques
=B7	GIS/information management issues

Pacific Rim Enterprise Center =AD a nonprofit organization that develops
innovative, practical solutions to complex regional, national, and
international environmental problems =AD is hosting the workshop.  For more
information, please visit the workshop Web site at=

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