2002 CPEO Brownfields List Archive

From: CPEO Moderator <cpeo@cpeo.org>
Date: 7 Jan 2002 19:20:22 -0000
Reply: cpeo-brownfields
Subject: [CPEO-BIF] EPA on HR 2869
In December, U.S. EPA issued a brief press release praising the 
passageof HR 2869, the Small Business Liability Relief and Brownfields
Revitalization Act. The release, pasted below in its entirety, says
little, but it makes clear that President Bush will be signing the bill. 
 The next step will be to find the money to carry out the objectives 
ofthe legislation. The new programs authorized in the Brownfields Act 
were generally not covered by the recently approved FY2002 


Whitman Praises Passage of Brownfields Legislation

EPA Administrator Christie Whitman praised Congress for its passage on
December 19 of bipartisan Brownfields legislation. Whitman said the new 
legislation will make the cleanup of brownfields a more effective and 
cooperative effort. "Revitalization of brownfields and new investment in 
our cities is essential. The passage of brownfields legislation by 
Congress will considerably enhance our efforts on those fronts.  
Returning abandoned industrial sites to productive use can create jobs 
in areas where they are very much needed and also will improve the tax 
base of many communities," said Whitman. "The passage of this 
legislation has been a top environmental priority for the administration 
and I look forward to continuing to work with Congress on the important 
issues that face us.

"Cleaning up brownfields will be more efficient with the passage of this 
bipartisan legislation. By differentiating between large contributors of 
toxic waste and small businesses who disposed of only small amounts of 
waste or ordinary trash, and should not be considered responsible 
parties, we will be reducing litigation as well as removing barriers," 
said Whitman. "This important action addresses many areas that were of 
significant importance to the President as we move forward with the 
assessment and cleanup of what are environmental eyesores. It recognizes 
the importance of our state and local partners by increasing funding and 
granting them more flexibility. It also assures prospective redevelopers 
that the federal government will not hold them responsible for past 
pollution at the redevelopment site. This effort, which includes small 
business liability reform, will bring much needed clarity to the 
liability section of the Superfund law."


For the original press release, see

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