2002 CPEO Brownfields List Archive

From: CPEO Moderator <cpeo@cpeo.org>
Date: 24 Jul 2002 04:25:01 -0000
Reply: cpeo-brownfields
Subject: [CPEO-BIF] ICMA Job Announcement

The International City/County Management Association (ICMA) seeks a 
professional to guide and develop environmental justice projects. The 
Senior Project Manager must effectively manage projects and people: 
aggressively coordinate current projects and pursuing new project 
opportunities (from conception to funding to delivery) as well as build 
the project team. Responsibilities include developing and managing 
project work plans and budgets, goals, and objectives; providing 
technical guidance on environmental justice and related topics; 
supervising staff; developing proposals and new projects; and 
administering ICMA and funder administrative and financial procedures, 
policies, and regulations. 

The position will involve extensive internal and external interaction, 
through staff supervision and teambuilding; networking and information 
sharing with public and private stakeholders; and promotion/effective 
communication of the project and association to interested staff, 
outside organizations, and individuals.

The successful applicant will possess excellent oral and written 
communication skills; be familiar with local, state, and federal 
government operations; understand funding mechanisms; and possess 
expertise in environmental justice, public health, brownfield 
redevelopment, economic development, and environmental issues.

Minimum qualifications include a Masters’ Degree in Public 
Administration, Political Science, or related field (or the equivalent 
combination of education and experience) and four years related project 
management experience, preferably in local government. 

Must be able to travel.

How to apply:
Send cover letters and resumes to rdjobs@icma.org. No calls please.

For more information about ICMA, visit http://icma.org.

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