2003 CPEO Brownfields List Archive

From: CPEO Moderator <cpeo@cpeo.org>
Date: 18 Aug 2003 20:31:28 -0000
Reply: cpeo-brownfields
Subject: [CPEO-BIF] Book Review of Interest
The following was posted by Robert S. Taylor <RST195005@aol.com>
The New York Times contained a review of two books concerning the failed
effort to
develop a paper mill to recycle paper waste  and to manufacture
newsprint in the South
Bronx.  The effort was the brain child of Allen Hershkowitz, a senior
scientist with the
Natural Resources Defense Council.  The  paper mill was intended to
address two serious
problems:  the flight of manufacturing from New York City (with its
resultant cost in terms
of unemployment and despair), and the shortage of facilities to handle
the waste papers
generated within the City.

"More grandly, Hershkowitz's Bronx Community Paper Company would serve
as a
world-class demonstration project. He wanted to prove the viability of
green capitalism -- a
marriage of economic development and environmental remediation+- to a
host of
unbelievers in the business world and the environmental movement, who
were locked (he
believed) in unnecessary combat. Hershkowitz knew the city presented a
host of special
obstacles to eco-industrialists, but if a mill like this could make it
here, he reasoned, it
could make it anywhere. He came amazingly close to pulling it off, as
''Bronx Ecology,''
by Hershkowitz himself, and ''Tilting at Mills,'' by Lis Harris, for
many years a staff writer
at The New Yorker, show."
"Hershkowitz is often critical of his environmentalist confreres for
making the perfect the
enemy of the good, but his own insistence on having the mill be an
exemplar of perfection
in so many spheres at once might well have made it too easy a target for
its myriad

The review can be found on the New York Times website,

I believe that registration is required, but registration is free.

Robert Taylor

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