2003 CPEO Brownfields List Archive

From: CPEO Moderator <cpeo@cpeo.org>
Date: 25 Aug 2003 17:29:24 -0000
Reply: cpeo-brownfields
(Excuse the cross-posting)

The following is the introductory statement  for a report put out by
Working Partnerships USA, entitled "SHARED INCLUSION AND PROSPERITY: The
Future of Economic Development Strategies in Silicon Valley". The
report can be viewed online as a PDF at:
The purpose of this report is to re-evaluate San José's economic
development programs from the perspective of two basic values. The first
of these is the belief that economic programs should be inclusive and
open. Secondly, economic development strategies should pursue the goal
of shared prosperity.

In order to examine the city's approach to economic development from the
point of view of these values, Shared Prosperity and Inclusion is
divided into three sections: the problem, the challenge, and the
solution. The problem discusses why current market dynamics are failing
to meet numerous economic needs and why existing social and political
models are proving increasingly outdated and ineffective. The challenge
investigates the potential of economic development strategies to remedy
these problems. The solution section offers a new policy framework that
can enable economic development to do a better job—for working families,
for businesses, and for taxpayers.

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