2007 CPEO Brownfields List Archive

From: "Hersh, Robert" <hersh@WPI.EDU>
Date: 16 Jan 2007 16:19:59 -0000
Reply: cpeo-brownfields
Subject: [CPEO-BIF] City hopes cleanup entices buyer
WATERBURY: City hopes cleanup entices buyer

Republican-American (Waterbury, CT)
By Michael Puffer
January 12, 2007 

WATERBURY -- For two decades, a two-story brick building on Lakewood Road
that once housed Imbimbo's Formal Wear has laid dormant, crumbling and
racking up nearly $700,000 in unpaid taxes.

Now, city officials hope to interest developers in the blighted two-acre
property by spending $30,000 for a study that will catalog pollutants on the
property and outline potential cleanup costs.

"No one will ever step forward to take that site without information on the
environmental conditions; no bank will ever lend to that site," said Arthur
Bogen, a consultant helping the city tackle its extensive brownfields issues.


For the entire article, see

Bob Hersh

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