2007 CPEO Brownfields List Archive

From: "Hersh, Robert" <hersh@WPI.EDU>
Date: 29 Jan 2007 17:25:32 -0000
Reply: cpeo-brownfields
Subject: [CPEO-BIF] Journal articles on brownfields
Once every month, CPEO will post a list of references to recently published
articles in the academic literature on brownfields.  See below for our first

Bob Hersh

Alm, L. R. (2006). The greening of pentagon brownfields: Using environmental
discourse to redevelop former military bases. Perspectives on Politics, 4(2),

Bacot, H., O&rsquo, & Dell, C. (2006). Establishing indicators to evaluate
brownfield redevelopment.. Economic Development Quarterly, 20(2), 142-161. 

Betting on brownfields - A scarcity of urban land has made brown-field
development a popular alternative to green building.(2005). [Electronic
version]. Builder, 28(1), 400. 

Carroll, D., & Eger, R. (2006). Brownfields, crime, and tax increment
financing. The American Review of Public Administration, 36(4), 455-477. 

De Sousa, C. A. (2006). Urban brownfields redevelopment in canada: The role
of local government. The Canadian Geographer, 50(3), 392-407. 

Finneran, C. (2006). Attracting development to brownfields sites: A local
challenge - tips on how to work with and what to expect from brownfields
developers; international city managers' association. Public management,
88(10), 8. 

Hansen, & Hollander, J. (2006). Reviews - environment, energy, and natural
resources - the greening of pentagon brownfields: Using environmental
discourse to redevelop former military bases. Journal of the American
Planning Association, 72(1), 128. 

Kaufman, D. A., & Cloutier, N. R. (2006). The impact of small brownfields and
greenspaces on residential property values. The Journal of Real Estate
Finance and Economics, 33(1), 19. 

Kaufman, M., Rogers, D., & Murray, K. (2005). An empirical model for
estimating remediation costs at contaminated sites. Water, Air & Soil
Pollution, 167(1-4), 365-386. 

Levi, D., Levi, D., & Kocher, S. (2006). The use of coastal brownfields as
nature preserves. [ Environment and Behavior, 38(6), 802. 

Miara, J. (2006). Spinning brownfields into gold.  Urban Land, 65(6), 115. 

Special report - urban regeneration - blooms on europe's brownfields.(2005).
The economist, 375(8420), 67. 
Viewpoint - where are those brownfields?(2005). Planning, 71(8), 70. 

Walzer, N., Hamm, G. F., & Sutton, L. A. (2006). Articles of general interest
- involving brownfields in community development: Preliminary findings.
Journal of the Community Development Society, 37(1), 79. 

Wernstedt, K., & Hersh, R. (2006). Brownfields regulatory reform and policy
innovation in practice.  Progress in planning, 65(1), 7-74. 
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