2007 CPEO Brownfields List Archive

From: "Robert Hersh" <b_hersh@verizon.net>
Date: 25 Apr 2007 14:45:18 -0000
Reply: cpeo-brownfields
Subject: [CPEO-BIF] Green power from brownfields
New England's largest solar energy installation on a former brownfield

April 24, 2007
SatCon Technology CorporationR, a developer of power management and system
architecture solutions for the alternative energy and distributed power
markets, reports that its power conditioning units for a 425 kW photovoltaic
solar energy system located on an environmentally remediated brownfield
(brightfield) have been providing highly efficient "green" power at a
Brockton, Massachusetts site since its dedication on October 26, 2006. This
site is also the largest brightfield in the nation.

This solar energy system generates an estimated 535 megawatt hours (MWh) of
electricity annually, enough energy to power approximately 71 homes. The
city of Brockton intends to build upon its solar leadership by expanding the
solar energy power plant to an associated brownfield. Eventually the city
plans to increase the Brockton Brightfield's capacity to 1 megawatt (MW).

Congressman Stephen F. Lynch (D-MA), who helped to secure nearly $800,000
for the Brockton Brightfield and attended its dedication, said, "With the
opening of the Brightfield, the City of Brockton has now positioned itself
as a nationwide leader in developing and promoting alternative energy
sources. That success was largely due to the hard work and ingenuity of the
people at SatCon, who developed technology that was critical to this
project. At a time of instability in the worldwide oil markets and rising
gas and oil prices, that's a mission all American cities and companies
should be focused on."

For the entire article, see:

Bob Hersh

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