2007 CPEO Brownfields List Archive

From: bobh@np.craigslist.org
Date: 28 Sep 2007 13:16:45 -0000
Reply: cpeo-brownfields
Subject: [CPEO-BIF] Not enough brownfields in Britain for housing
(In the UK, the Labour govt. has promised to build 3 million new homes by 2020,
with 60% of them on "brownfields". The definition of brownfields in the
UK---previously developed land---is of course much broader than the US

Not Enough Brownfield in the UK - Special Report
Thursday, 27 September 2007

Gordon Brown?s Government has promised three million new homes, 60% of them on
brownfield land. But according to a report from the respected think
tank, Social Market Foundation (SMF), there?s just not enough brownfield to go
around. SMF has done its sums, and reckons that at normal housing densities, only
enough brownfield land exists for one million new homes. In a report titled ?Should
The Green Belt Be Preserved?? (published 15th August 2007), it presents its

There are three types of land on which new housing development can take place,
previously developed land (PDL, or brownfield), greenfield, and green belt. The
government has targeted PDL and by incentivisation through land remediation tax
relief, and obstruction by planning barriers on greenfield and green belt land, it
has achieved a situation where almost three quarters of recent new build has been
on brownfield. But, the report points out, not all land categorised as PDL has
previously been built on. It also includes areas like gardens and open spaces in
towns and cities. Forcing more housing onto PDL deprives existing residents of
gardens and parks.

The concentration on PDL cannot continue. According to SMF, ??even if all PDL
(including gardens and city parks) were built on, the UK would fall short of its 3
million target for new housing. On current density trends, PDL could only
accommodate 1 million new homes.? To hit the government?s target of 60% of homes
built on PDL would require the housing density to be raised from the current
minimum of 30 dwellings per hectare to 80 dwellings per hectare. That level is
comparable with current density levels in London, and SMF believes that development
at that level would seriously undermine quality of life for both old and new
residents. Difficult decisions therefore need to be faced regarding development on
greenfield and green belt land.

For the entire articles, see:

Bob Hersh

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