2009 CPEO Brownfields List Archive

From: "Deb Ranjan Sinha \(Gmail\)" <debsinha@gmail.com>
Date: Sun, 26 Apr 2009 12:02:35 -0700 (PDT)
Reply: cpeo-brownfields
Subject: Re: [CPEO-BIF] Gowanus Canal, Brooklyn, New York listing
I recently completed my dissertation research on brownfields in Worcester (MA). 
While my case studies did not involve any NPL sites, I think the implications 
are equally applicable.

Overall, most owners (responsible party or not) were reported to be extremely 
hesitant to conduct environmental assessment on their property (even as part of 
due diligence by a prospective developer/buyer). Massachusetts' voluntary 
cleanup program has resulted in *quantity over quality* through the use of 
*Activity Use Limitation* - AUL allows detectable contamination to be left 
behind on the property. The efficacy of private *Licensed Site Professionals* to 
conduct assessment and cleanup is also debatable - *good* LSPs are those who can 
exploit the loopholes in the rules to minimize costs in any possible way, even 
if it means incomplete assessment and inadequate cleanup.

Most projects are dependent on state and federal monies (i.e. tax-payer dollars) 
for environmental assessment and cleanup. The developer/owner are disinterested 
in using any of their own funds for environmental components of the project, 
knowing that they can milk the public funding sources for that. Today's NYT 
article also succintly notes the abuse of public funds to clean up private 

I would be extremely interested in any studies that have looked at the questions 
raised here by the discussants. The few I have seen seem to be inconclusive 
regarding effect of known contaminants and property value. In Worcester, 
identities of contaminated properties seems to be a common knowledge (at least 
to those in the know). The extent and degree of contamination are the only 
uncertainties in case of unassessed properties.



Graduate School of Geography
Clark University
Worcester, MA 

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