Earlier this year you may recall
having read or taking part in the continuing dialogue about the relative
advantages and disadvantages associated with state and federal voluntary
cleanup programs, the need for greater investigation and disclosure of
contamination issues at brownfield sites, and whether voluntary cleanup
programs should be supplanted by more governmental enforcement. We pick
up the topic again at EPA's Brownfields 2009 in New Orleans on Tuesday, Nov 17, 2009, 4:00 PM - 5:15 p.m. at panel
entitled "Voluntary (Brownfield) vs. Compliance-based (Superfund, RCRA,
etc.) Cleanup."
Lenny Siegel (your Brownfields
Internet Forum host) will moderate the panel discussion among Larry Schnapf (Special Counsel at New York City's Schulte Roth & Zabel: "more oversight, more enforcement, less deference to
voluntary cleanup programs"), Julie Kilgore (environmental
consultant at Salt Lake City's Wasatch
Environmental, Inc.: "what I see where the rubber hits the road") and
me (Barry Trilling a partner at Connecticut's Wiggin and Dana LLP:
"If it ain't broke don’t fix it-- and if it is, don't throw out the
baby with the wash-water"). This promises to be a lively and
informative discussion (if I say so myself : -) ).
hope to see you there.
J. Trilling
Wiggin and Dana, LLP
Atlantic Street
Box 110325
Connecticut 06911-0325
203 363-7670
203 363-7676
203 556-3764
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