In an effort to solicit public input on the Assessment, Revolving Loan Fund, and Cleanup (ARC) grant competition process, the Office of Brownfields and Land Revitalization (OBLR) will host two strategic listening sessions via webinar on May 17 and May 22.
These webinars will be structured discussions to get feedback on the ARC process and guidelines and incorporate, where possible, that feedback into the FY 13 ARC process.
Webinar Information
Dates: May 17, 2012
Time: 1-2:30 pm EST
Call In: 1-866-299-3188 Code: 2025661887#
Location: https://epa.connectsolutions.com/fy13-arc/
Dates: May 22, 2012
Time: 1-2:30 pm EST
Call In: 1-866-299-3188 Code: 2025661887#
Location: https://epa.connectsolutions.com/fy13-arc-2/
Because space is limited to 140 persons per session, please RSVP to Jeanette Mendes by Tuesday, May 14 indicating which session you will attend (May 17 or May 22).
Additionally, should you have specific questions or ideas you would like to discuss, please forward them to Jeanette Mendes (mendes.jeanette@epa.gov) by Tuesday, May 14.
Possible feedback focus areas:
- What would you fix about our brownfields guidelines and process?
- How can the Office of Brownfields & Land Revitalization improve its grant programs to better address community needs?
- What do you feel are the major problems or impediments, if any, in competing for Assessment, Revolving Loan Fund, and Cleanup Grants?
- Are there ways the Office of Brownfields and Land Revitalization could make it easier to apply for its competitive opportunities?
The FY12 ARC Guidelines can be found at http://epa.gov/brownfields/applicat.htm.Should you have any questions regarding this webinar series, please feel free to contact Jeanette Mendes at (202) 566-1887 or email Jeanette Mendes (mendes.jeanette@epa.gov).