2014 CPEO Brownfields List Archive

From: Lenny Siegel <lsiegel@cpeo.org>
Date: Wed, 24 Sep 2014 16:18:12 -0700 (PDT)
Reply: cpeo-brownfields
Subject: [CPEO-BIF] Fwd: Brownfields 2015
Begin forwarded message:

The National Brownfields Training Conference—Call for Session Ideas

ICMA and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency are again partnering to manage the 16th National Brownfields Training Conference.  The event—Brownfields 2015--will take place in Chicago, September 2-4, 2015.  The conference is the largest national event focused on sustainable economic redevelopment and community revitalization.  Each year thousands of attendees and nearly 200 exhibitors consider the conference the most important stop on their education and training, peer networking, and business development calendars.

Ideas for interactive, insightful, and engaging educational sessions are now being solicited through an online portal on the conference website (www.brownfieldsconference.org).  The Call for Session Ideas will remain open until November 3, 2014.  Full educational sessions from the solicitation will be announced on the conference website early in 2015. 

The conference planning committee is looking for session ideas in the following educational tracks:
§  Launching a New Era of State, Tribal, and Local Partnerships. Brownfields redevelopment and community revitalization is most successful when built around partnerships.  Please submit ideas telling the story of successful brownfields partnerships and how to form and leverage partnerships to ensure sustainable revitalization.
§  Working Toward a Sustainable Future. Rebuilding neighborhoods and communities sustainably.  How do we revitalize brownfields and communities through visionary planning approaches and sustainable development methods  (e.g., updating zoning ordinances, adopting smart growth/area-wide planning approaches, addressing air, water and toxic pollutant issues, improving transportation patterns, using economic market assessments, planning for climate adaptation, etc.).
§  Making a Visible Difference in Communities. How to engage and involve the local community using creative opportunities and venues (e.g., workforce development and job training, historic structures, cultural heritage, arts community, faith based organizations, community gardens, community engagement and local involvement, environmental justice, gentrification and displacement, etc.).
§  Moving Forward: How Do We Get from Ideas and Plans to Assessment and Cleanup. Innovative engineering solutions/technologies for the assessment and cleanup of contaminated sites (e.g., assessment methods, engineering controls, green cleanup technologies, etc.).
§  Heavy Lifting:  Leveraging Available Financing to Spur Brownfields Redevelopment. Moving brownfields projects forward by overcoming funding challenges with creative money solutions (e.g., finding investors, leveraging public/ private financing, tax incentives, insurance options, banking, etc.).
§  Put on Your Marketing Hat:  Real Estate and Development. Brownfields site selection approaches; site preparation and marketing; redevelopment readiness; working with developers; vertical construction; and commercial reuse.
§  Planning for a Better Environment. Environmental issues such as: area-wide planning; zoning; smart growth; transportation; air; water and toxic issues; community development priorities; and economic market assessment.
§  Worry Beads:  How to address Liability and Avoid Enforcement. Legal challenges and solutions to addressing and revitalizing contaminated properties (e.g., CERCLA and RCRA liability, bona fide prospective purchaser (BFPP) status/protection, transferring liability, etc.).

Brownfields 2015 is a project of ICMA’s Center for Sustainable Communities and a long standing partnership with EPA and other organizations.  For more information about the Call for Sessions Ideas, exhibiting, or other ways of connecting with the conference contact Katherine Takai (ktakai@icma.org) or Tad McGalliard (tmcgalliard@icma.org).

Tad McGalliard
Director, Research and Technical Assistance
International City/County Management Association (ICMA)
202 962 3563 
443 223 7851 

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Lenny Siegel
Executive Director, Center for Public Environmental Oversight
a project of the Pacific Studies Center
278-A Hope Street
Mountain View, CA 94041
Voice: 650-961-8918 or 650-969-1545
Fax: 650-961-8918

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