MLIve (MI)
February 4, 2016
LIVONIA, MI - Ford Motor Co. will be pulling groundwater samples from a residential neighborhood adjacent to its Livonia transmission plant next week in an effort to discover how far a toxic pollution plume has spread from its facility.
Todd Walton, Ford's global site assessment and remediation manager, said vinyl chloride, a breakdown byproduct of trichloroethylene, or TCE, has been discovered moving east of the plant in quantities well above the federal drinking water standard, although the company says local tap water supplies are not affected because Livonia buys municipal drinking water from Detroit.
The extent of the plume is still being determined. Walton said TCE, a well-known carcinogen, was discovered on plant grounds in August during renovations. The chemical was used as a degreasing agent and parts cleaner until some point in the 1980s. The Livonia plant opened in 1952.
For the entire article, see
Lenny Siegel
Executive Director, Center for Public Environmental Oversight
a project of the Pacific Studies Center
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