2016 CPEO Brownfields List Archive

From: Lenny Siegel <lsiegel@cpeo.org>
Date: Fri, 9 Dec 2016 07:51:04 -0800 (PST)
Reply: cpeo-brownfields
Subject: [CPEO-BIF] Fwd: RE-Powering America's Land and Community Solar

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Klinger, Adam" <Klinger.Adam@epa.gov>

We wanted to share with you a discussion paper we just completed linking opportunities for renewable energy on contaminated lands, landfills and mine sites (RE-Powering sites) to the increasing use of community solar:
Community solar programs (also called “shared solar”) offer the economic and environmental benefits of solar to the 49% of Americans without traditional solar access, either because of physical, ownership or financial limitations.  RE-Powering sites represent a large and varied collection of sites that do not generally have on-site electricity load to serve following cleanup.  Increased interest in community solar may pave the way for greater consideration of RE-Powering type sites to host such facilities.  In addition, community solar can make a particularly positive impact in low- and moderate- income communities, where barriers and access to solar often exist and where RE-Powering sites are frequently located.
As a discussion paper, we encourage feedback on its content:
-          On the interest in your area for community solar projects?
-          On whether formerly contaminated lands, landfills and mine sites are being considered to host such projects?
-          On how community solar opportunities at formerly contaminated lands, landfills and mine sites might be enhanced?
-          And any other comments you might have.
On a related note, we wanted to spread the word on the following DOE effort:
SunShot Prize: Solar in Your Community Challenge
The SunShot Prize: Solar in Your Community Challenge is a prize competition that aims to expand solar electricity access to all Americans, especially underserved segments such as low- and moderate-income (LMI) households; state, local, and tribal governments; and nonprofit organizations. In order to make solar more accessible and inclusive for every American, the Challenge works to spur the development of new and innovative financial and business models that serve non-rooftop solar users such as community solar.
Offering $5 million in cash prizes and technical assistance over 18 months, the Challenge supports teams across the country to develop projects or programs that expand solar access to underserved groups, while proving that these business models can be widely replicated and adopted by similar groups.
Participation in the Challenge is open to:
  • Teams working to develop a portfolio of solar projects in their communities or to create new solar programs that extend solar access to LMI households and nonprofits; and
  • Technical assistance providers (consultants and coaches) that assist teams throughout the 18-month challenge by providing the coaching and resources teams need to create innovative new business models.
The Solar in Your Community Challenge is sponsored by the U.S. DOE SunShot Initiative and administered by the State University of New York (SUNY) Polytechnic Institute. 
Visit the challenge website to learn more, apply, and get involved.
Adam Klinger
RE-Powering America's Land
Office of Communications, Partnerships and Analysis
US EPA, Office of Land and Emergency Management
(202) 566-0546
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