Cancer in the soil: Hundred years’ cleanup continues in Springfield The contaminant TCE can last so long in soil, private drinking wells and the region’s essential groundwater, that no one really knows when the chemical will truly be gone from the Ozarks.
by Kathleen O’Dell Springfield Daily Citizen (MO) September 13, 2023
A chemical linked to human cancers that was routinely dumped in northwest Springfield from the 1960s to the 1980s continues to be monitored and removed from soil, groundwater and private drinking wells today, and there’s no apparent end in sight.
Most recently, the Springfield City Council authorized a company to install three wells along North Westgate Avenue east of the former Litton Systems Inc. to monitor the presence of TCE – trichloroethylene. That will bring the total of monitoring and monitoring/extraction wells on city property to nine, or a total of 101 in Greene County, according to officials at the Missouri Department of Natural Resources (DNR).
This marks the next step by a Northrop Grumman subsidiary to clean up the mess — and the undisclosed cost — it inherited when it bought Litton in 2001 as part of a larger acquisition. The former Litton Systems site is the source of north Springfield’s TCE contamination.
For the entire article, see
Lenny Siegel Executive Director Center for Public Environmental Oversight A project of the Pacific Studies Center LSiegel@cpeo.orgP.O. Box 998, Mountain View, CA 94042 Voice/Fax: 650-961-8918 Author: DISTURBING THE WAR: The Inside Story of the Movement to Get Stanford University out of Southeast Asia - 1965–1975 (See
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