From: | Lenny Siegel <> |
Date: | 20 Jan 2006 23:14:05 -0000 |
Reply: | cpeo-irf |
Subject: | [CPEO-IRF] Reserve Center to be built at Moffett Miiltary Housing site (CA) |
I'm not sure what the first paragraph in the article below is referring
to, but the local news is accurate. Orion Park contained the older
"enlisted men's" family housing for the Moffett Naval Air Station. After
the BRAC '91 round, which closed the Naval Air Station, the Navy turned
over Orion Park and other housing areas to the Air Force. BRAC '95 told
the Air Force to close the housing, so the Army took control. A few year ago, NASA discovered a previously unknown groundwater plume of volatile organic compounds migrating from Orion Park onto NASA's adjacent property. Further investigation confirmed significant contamination, but it is not yet clear who is responsible for the pollution. For now, U.S. EPA considers the Navy the responsible party, because it recognizes "Superfund" listing as fenceline to fenceline. The Navy disagrees, and it has been unwilling to process the site through the normal CERCLA process. Meanwhile, the Navy, NASA, and "MEW" companies draw conflicting plume maps from the same data, and EPA has been conducting a small amount of sampling upgradient to help determine who is responsible for the contamination. (MEW is an abbreviation for three local streets that general bound a major Superfund Study Area where the responsible parties are all electronics companies.) When the contamination was discovered, RAB members insisted that the Navy investigate possible vapor intrusion in Orion Park, where most of the units were occupied by military families and (later) other federal workers. Though the Navy detected volatile organic contaminants in indoor air, it repeatedly argued that vapor intrusion was not responsible. Finally, EPA's real-time sampling in 2005, using the Trace Atmospheric Gas Analyzer, provided convincing evidence of vapor intrusion. Still, despite the ongoing exposure of military families, no one stepped up to the plate to conduct even a remedial investigation/feasibility study. (There is continuing sampling and data analysis, however.) The Army had originally proposed to redevelop all Moffett Military Housing with a private partner through the Residential Communities Initiative. However, that deal ended up excluding Orion Park because of the contamination. It was still a surprise, however, when the Army proposed and the BRAC Commission agreed to tear down the housing to make way for an Army Reserve Center. This will eliminate the vapor intrusion pathway at the site, but it will also eliminate housing in an area that needs it desperately. Finally, the cleanup of Orion Park is unresolved. NASA insists that the flow of contaminants onto its property be halted. The Navy is asking the current owner, the Army, to take over, but the Army has no obligation to do so. Rest assured that the local community will continue to fight for full remediation, not matter who ends up paying for it. Lenny *** Army holds on plan for training facility Questions remain about Orion Park cleanup By Jon Wiener Mountain View Voice (CA) January 20, 2006 Tuesday's announcement that the Pentagon will delay the coming round of base closures for a year means the Army will have to wait to build a huge new training center at Moffett Field. An Army colonel came to Mountain View last week to praise plans to knock down military housing at Orion Park to make way for a Combat Support Training Center for the entire West Coast. Col. Scott Wood told members of the Restoration Advisory Board (RAB) that the project would bring money and jobs to the community, in a brief presentation he gave in response to requests from RAB members. ... While Wood touted the benefits of the new construction, most of the assembled residents at last week's meeting were more interested in what it meant for the cleanup of a toxic chemical solvent that has turned up in Orion Park's groundwater. ... For the entire article, see -- Lenny Siegel Director, Center for Public Environmental Oversight c/o PSC, 278-A Hope St., Mountain View, CA 94041 Voice: 650/961-8918 or 650/969-1545 Fax: 650/961-8918 _______________________________________________ Installation_Reuse_Forum mailing list | |
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