From: | Gawain Kripke <gkripke@Essential.ORG> |
Date: | 13 Dec 1994 13:02:56 |
Reply: | cpeo-military |
Subject: | Letter to Deutch on DERA cuts. |
Following is an alert being sent to several hundred organizations, individuals, and community representatives urging Deputy Secretary Deutch to support full funding of DOD environmental programs. Please consider signing on yourself and/or your organization. Please email or fax me directly. This is an urgent request as the budget decision will be made in the next several weeks. If you have any questions, suggestions, or comments, you can contact me at the numbers listed below. Thanks. Gawain Kripke, Friends of the Earth, BEGIN INFO PACKET AND SIGN-ON LETTER____________ December 12, 1994 Dear friend, I am faxing you an urgent request to sign a letter to Department of Defense Deputy Secretary John Deutch asking for adequate funding of environmental cleanup and compliance at defense facilities. As you may be aware, funding for the defense cleanup program is threatened as the Administration and Congress seek ways to cut the federal budget deficit and maintain defense spending on readiness and weapons. The new Congressional leadership has been unfairly critical of cleanup and other environmental spending at the Department of Defense and last week two senior members of the Senate Armed Services Committee called for cutting funding for DOD environmental programs. The Department of Defense is also considering making cuts to the environmental program budget. A news report last week by the Defense Environment Alert said that Deputy Secretary Deutch will decide by the end of December whether to slash cleanup spending by as much as $294 million next year. To respond to this attack, we are sending the following letter to Deputy Secretary Deutch urging him to support environmental cleanup funding. Please consider signing yourself and/or your organization on to the letter. You may use the response form (last page of this fax) to sign up. We would like to send a copy of this letter up by the end of this week, so we are setting a deadline of December 15. We will send a revised version of the letter later so please respond even if you can not make the deadline. If you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to call me at 202/783-7400 ext. 212. Sincerely, Gawain Kripke Policy Associate DRAFT LETTER TO ASSISTANT SECRETARY JOHN DEUTCH PLEASE SUPPORT ENVIRONMENTAL CLEANUP AND COMPLIANCE FUNDING December 12, 1994 Hon. John Deutch Deputy Secretary of Defense The Pentagon Washington, DC Dear Sir: The undersigned individuals and organizations urge you to support funding for Department of Defense environmental funding at levels necessary to fulfill the the Department's commitments to communities and its legal obligations. Recent news reports suggest that the Department of Defense may cut its funding request for fiscal year 1996 and the 1997 planning figure substantially below levels suggested by the Environmental Security office. Many of us represent communities that are bearing the brunt of hazardous waste contamination and other pollution from domestic Defense Department facilities. Over a period of decades, Defense environmental practices have undermined our health, environment, and economic prospects. That is, we have been "dumped upon" by the very forces that are supposed to protect us. Over the last few years, however, the Defense Department Environmental Security office and the armed services have increased cleanup, compliance, and other environmental programs. Gradually, they are making progress toward winning the respect and support of base neighbors and employees. Increasingly, Defense communities are being treated as partners, not adversaries. Improved stakeholder participation and streamlined oversight are good examples of that new partnership. We are deeply concerned, however, drastic cuts in Defense environmental programs will undermine that spirit of partnership. Cleaning up and reducing pollution will become more contentious, less effective, and much more costly. Maintaining adequate funding will, on the other hand, enable all parties to continue their joint efforts to make cleanup cheaper, faster, safer, and better. [Signatures: names of individuals and organizations with related defense facilities listed for reference] RESPONSE FORM: DEFENSE ENVIRONMENTAL FUNDING LETTER Deadline: December 15 by close of business TO: Gawain Kripke Friends of the Earth 202/ 783-7400 ext. 212 Fax: 202/ 783-0444 or 202/ 879-4293 Email: PLEASE CHECK: ____ YES, PLEASE SIGN ME UP AS AN INDIVIDUAL to the letter Assistant urging Deputy Secretary Deutch to fully fund DOD's environmental programs. _____ Please list my organization for identification purposes only. _____ Please list me as "living near or affected by" the following military base(s): ____ NO, we do not wish to sign the letter. Name (please print) Organization (full name):___________________________________ Street: ________________________________________________ City/State: _______________________ Zip: ____________ Contact name (if different): _____________________ ___________ Phone: __________________________ Fax: _____ ____________ Comment: *******END OF MESSAGE******* |
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