1995 CPEO Military List Archive

From: ross.vincent@sfsierra.sierraclub.org
Date: 14 Mar 1995 14:36:55
Reply: cpeo-military
Subject: Re: Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Navy (Conver
Subject: Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Navy (Conver

[Federal Register: March 13, 1995]



Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Navy (Conversion 
and Redevelopment); Community Redevelopment Authority and Available 
Surplus Buildings and Land at Military Installations Designated for 
Closure: Department of Defense, Housing Facility, Novato, CA

AGENCY: Department of the Navy, DOD.

ACTION: Notice.


SUMMARY: This Notice provides information regarding the redevelopment 
authority that has been established to plan the reuse of the Department 
of Defense, Housing Facility, Novato, CA, the surplus property that is 
located at that base closure site, and the timely election by the 
redevelopment authority to proceed under new procedures set forth in 
the Base Closure Community Redevelopment and Homeless Assistance Act of 

Director, Department of the Navy, Real Estate Operations, Naval 
Facilities Engineering Command, 200 Stovall Street, Alexandria, VA 
22332-2300, telephone (703) 325-0474, or Beverly Freitas, Supervisory 
Realty Specialist, Engineering Field Activity West, Naval Facilities 
Engineering Command, 900 Commodore Drive, San Bruno, CA 94066-5006, 
telephone (415) 244-3804. For detailed information regarding particular 
properties identified in this Notice (i.e., acreage, floor plans, 
sanitary facilities, exact street address, etc.), contact Leonard 
Bastian, Officer in Charge, Department of Defense, Housing Facility, 
Bldg. 1000, Novato, CA 94949, telephone (415) 382-4112.

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: In 1993, the Department of Defense, Housing 
Facility, Novato, CA, was designated for closure pursuant to the 
Defense Base Closure and Realignment Act of 1990, Public Law 101-510, 
as amended. [[Page 13416]] Pursuant to this designation, the majority 
of the land and facilities at this installation were on December 19, 
1994, declared surplus to the federal government and available for use 
by (a) non-federal public agencies pursuant to various statutes which 
authorize conveyance of property for public projects, and (b) homeless 
provider groups pursuant to the Stewart B. McKinney Homeless Assistance 
Act (42 U.S.C. 11411), as amended.

Election To Proceed Under New Statutory Procedures

 Subsequently, the Base Closure Community Redevelopment and Homeless 
Assistance Act of 1994 (Public Law 103-421) was signed into law. 
Section 2 of this statute gives the redevelopment authority at base 
closure sites the option of proceeding under new procedures with regard 
to the manner in which the redevelopment plan for the base is 
formulated and how requests are made for future use of the property by 
homeless assistance providers and non-federal public agencies. On 
December 9, 1994, the City of Novato submitted a timely request to 
proceed under the new procedures. Accordingly, this notice of 
information regarding the redevelopment authority fulfills the Federal 
Register publication requirement of Section 2(e)(3) of the Base Closure 
Community Redevelopment and Homeless Assistance Act of 1994.
 Also, pursuant to paragraph (7)(B) of Section 2905(b) of the 
Defense Base Closure and Realignment Act of 1990, as amended by the 
Base Closure Community Redevelopment and Homeless Assistance Act of 
1994, the following information regarding the surplus property at the 
Department of Defense, Housing Facility, Novato, CA, is published in 
the Federal Register.

Redevelopment Authority

 The redevelopment authority for the Department of Defense, Housing 
Facility, Novato, CA, for purposes of implementing the provisions of 
the Defense Base Closure and Realignment Act of 1990, as amended, is 
the Hamilton Reuse Planning Authority, Multi-Agency Board. The Board 
has established a committee to provide advice to the redevelopment 
authority on the redevelopment plan for the closing facility. A cross 
section of community interests is represented on the committee. Day-to-
day operations of the committee are handled by a Project Manager. The 
address of the Hamilton Reuse Planning Authority, Multi-Agency Board is 
900 Sherman Avenue, Novato, CA 94945, telephone (415) 897-4311 and 
facsimile (415) 897-4354.

Surplus Property Descriptions

 The following is a listing of the land and facilities at the 
Department of Defense, Housing Facility, Novato, CA, that were declared 
surplus to the federal government on December 19, 1994.


 Approximately 555.03 acres of improved and unimproved fee simple 
land at the Department of Defense, Housing Facility, Novato, CA.


 The following is a summary of the facilities located on the above 
described land which will also be available when the station closes on 
September 30, 1996, unless otherwise indicated. Property numbers are 
available on request.
--Warehouse space. Comments: Approx. 1,161 square feet in Building 191; 
10,200 square feet in Building 801; 2,700 square feet in Building 820; 
6,300 square feet in Building 821; 4,000 square feet in Building 826; 
800 square feet in Building 827; 9,600 square feet in Building 829.
--Recreation Centers. Comments: Approx. 4,712 square feet in Building 
206; 1,846 square feet in Building 915; 1,500 square feet in Building 
916; 1,750 square feet in Building 933; 4,850 square feet in Building 
934; 2,580 square feet in Building 935; 2,257 square feet in Building 
--Shop/Storage Space. Comments: Approx. 164 square feet in Building 
514; 4,469 square feet in Building 914; 3,697 square feet in Building 
960; 630 square feet in Building 965; 3,108 square feet in Building 
969; 18,088 square feet in Building 972.
--Office/Administrative Space. Comments: Approx. 3,612 square feet in 
Building 111; 22,294 square feet in Building 203; 13,510 square feet in 
Building 504; 3,807 square feet in Building 802; 4,921 square feet in 
Building 1000; 940 square feet in Building 4041.
--Bachelor Officer Quarters. Comments: Approx. 21,328 square feet in 
Building 201.
--Credit Union. Comments: Approx. 5,880 square feet in Building 930.
--Nursery/Child Care Facility. Comments: Approx. 15,416 square feet in 
Building 227 and 1,771 square feet in Building 531.
--Chief Petty Officer's Club. Comments: Approx. 17,890 square feet in 
Building 508.
--Chapel. Comments: Approx. 10,689 square feet in Building 603.
--Auto/Hobby Shop. Comments: Approx. 10,850 square feet in Building 
--Theater. Comments: Approx. 6,027 square feet in Building 507.
--Bath House. Comments: Approx. 1,064 square feet in Building 204.
--Navy Commissary. Comments: Approx. 9,333 square feet in Building 803 
and 30,203 square feet in Building 804.
--Navy Exchange. Comments: Approx. 39,626 square feet in Building 971.
--Gas Station. Comments: Approx. 4,454 square feet in Building 970.
--Library. Comments: Approx. 680 square feet in Building 540.
--Bowling Alley/Gymnasium. Comments: Approx. 19,694 square feet in 
Building 115.
--Outdoor Swimming Pools. Comments: Located in Buildings 205, 208, and 
--One racquetball court in Building 113, eight tennis courts, and four 
ball fields.
--Water Tower. Comments: Located in Building 539.
--Radio Station (MARS) & Antenna. Comments: Approx. 2,592 square feet 
in Building 549 with 161 foot antenna.
--Latrine. Comments: Approx. 114 square feet in Building 550.
--Electrical Power Shed. Comments: Approx. 120 square feet in Building 
--Capehart Housing. Comments: 379 family housing units; single unit 
dwellings, duplexes, and townhouses.
--Spanish Housing. Comments: 132 family housing units; single unit 
dwellings and duplexes.
--Knolls Housing. Comments: 125 family housing units; apartments.
--Hillside Housing. Comments: 121 family housing units; apartments.
--Rafael Village Housing (offsite). Comments: 503 family housing units; 
single unit dwellings and duplexes.
--Utilities. Comments: Measuring systems vary. Telephone, electrical, 
roads, railroads, sewage, water, etc.

Expressions of Interest

 Pursuant to paragraph 7(C) of Section 2905(b) of the Defense Base 
Closure and Realignment Act of 1990, as amended by the Base Closure 
Community Redevelopment and Homeless Assistance Act of 1994, State and 
local governments, representatives of the homeless, and other 
interested parties located in the vicinity of the Department of 
Defense, Housing Facility, Novato, CA, shall submit to said 
redevelopment authority (Hamilton Reuse Planning Authority) a notice of 
interest, of such governments, representatives, and 
[[Page 13417]] parties in the above described surplus property, or any 
portion thereof. A notice of interest shall describe the need of the 
government, representative, or party concerned for the desired surplus 
property. Pursuant to paragraphs 7(C) and (D) of Section 2905(b), the 
redevelopment authority shall assist interested parties in evaluating 
the surplus property for the intended use and publish in a newspaper of 
general circulation in Novato, CA, the date by which expressions of 
interest must be submitted. Under Section 2(e)(6) of the Base Closure 
Community Redevelopment and Homeless Assistance Act of 1994, the 
deadline for submissions of expressions of interest may not be less 
than one (1) month nor more than six (6) months from the date the 
Hamilton Reuse Planning Authority elected to proceed under the new 
statute, i.e., December 9, 1994.

 Dated: March 1, 1995.
M.D. Schetzsle,
LT, JAGC, USNR, Alternate Federal Register Liaison Officer.
[FR Doc. 95-6093 Filed 3-10-95; 8:45 am]

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