From: | |
Date: | 11 Mar 1995 11:54:37 |
Reply: | cpeo-military |
In my opinion budget cuts in DOE clean up are looking so attractive to everyone is Congress right now in part because DOE put out its budget request in such a way as to make those programs vulnerable. With a rise in the nuclear weapons part of the budget, and Asst Scty Tom Grumbly and Scty O'Leary talking meekly about how they could save billions with{efficiency in the clean up program (and no parallel talk of saving billions with "efficiency" in the nuclear weapons portion of the budget) the message sent out was "CUT HERE--THESE ARE A LOWER PRIORITY TO US". This, of course, was exacerbated by the fact that many in Congress don't see any problem with walking away from their commitment to clean up the legacy of the Cold War and U.S. militarism. I applaud the efforts on this bulletin board to get cards and letters in to Congress to save the DOD clean up budget. I have sent some from my organization. Moreover, the Military Production Network, of which our group is a member, has been launching a similar effort for the DOE clean up. How about a national call in day on both the DOD and DOE clean up budgets?????? Call it "National Hold our Government Accountable Day" ??? Peace, Marylia | |
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