1995 CPEO Military List Archive

From: Aimee Houghton <aimeeh@igc.org>
Date: Wed, 15 Mar 1995 16:21:15 -0800 (PST)
Reply: cpeo-military
Subject: Oxnard RAB Ltr. for con't Navy Supp
>From Murray Rosenbluth via aimeeh

Oxnard Plain Restoration Advisory Board
2251 Pacific Road, Suite 5
Port Hueneme, CA 93043-4335

March 6, 1994

Chief of Naval Operations 
Director, Environmental Protection,
Safety and Occupational Health Division, N45
2211 Jefferson Davis Highway
Arlington, VA 22202

Dear Admiral Schriefer,

The citizens of the Oxnard Plain Restoration Advisory Board
would like to express our strong support for continued Navy
and Department of Defense participation in the Federal Advisory
Committee to Develop On-Site Innovative Technologies (DOIT).
The demonstrations of hydrocarbon clean-up technologies that
are being conducted at the National Test Site are a vital part of the
partnership that has been formed between the community, regulators
and governmental agencies to clean-up former hazardous waste
disposal sites safely, quickly and cost effectively.

The Western Governor's Association's (WGA) DOIT initiative adds
value by establishing a forum where the interests and concerns of
all stakeholders can be expressed and consensus can be promoted. 
We are proud of our contributions to the development of the Site 
Implementation Plan for the Site Characterization Cone 
Penetrometer/Laser Induced Fluorometry (SCAPS/LIF) demonstration 
that has been proposed. Additionally, our members have supported 
the WGA's Stakeholder Roundtable by suggesting ways to focus the 
DOITefforts on the proper priorities and create a process that can 
continue to promote improvements in the clean-up, pollution 
prevention and environmental compliance arenas. The SCAPS/LIF 
demonstration is a critical first step in these pioneering efforts to 
promote interstate regulatory acceptance of new technologies, 
expedite commercialization of these technologies by promoting 
their use in our environmental programs, and demonstrate the 
value-added by community involvement. We fully understand the 
budgetary constraints that have been and are being imposed on all 
Department of Defense resources but firmly believe that support 
for these efforts will truly save taxpayers money by promoting a 
more effective use of scarce research, clean-up and environmental 
compliance funds.

We can assure you that we will spread the news of the successes
that have been and can be achieved. Our participation in the Earth Day
Festival sponsored by the Oxnard College and the SCAPS/LIF
Demonstration scheduled for May, are our initial efforts in this
community outreach. It is our sincere hope that you will recognize
the value of our involvement and continue to provide the required
resources to ensure success. You have our commitment for full
community participation and support of these efforts.


Anna Spanopoulos 
CAPT Tom Boothe
Michael Pilla
RAB Co-chairpersons

cc: Mr. Jim Souby, Executive Director, Western Governor's

 Mr. John Flynn, Member, Ventura County Board of

 Mr. Dave Olson, CNO, N45

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