From: | Lenny Siegel <> |
Date: | Wed, 17 May 1995 18:24:01 -0700 (PDT) |
Reply: | cpeo-military |
TRANSFER RESTRICTIONS ON FEDERAL PROPERTY Lenny Siegel May 17, 1995 Federal law [CERCLA Section 120(h)] now prevents the transfer of contaminated federal property to non-federal entities unless it's clean or a remedy is in place. A few years ago, Congress passed CERFA, designed to permit the transfer of parcels within a larger contaminated property and allowing the transfer of land above contaminated groundwater as long as it did not interfere with cleanup. I strongly supported CERFA as a way to facilitate rapid transfer and reuse of closing military bases without sacrificing the protection of public health and the environment. Now the Defense Department, dissatisfied with the rate at which it is able to transfer parcels on closing bases, is proposing to further amend CERCLA 120(h). Its proposals are included in this year's Military Construction Authorization Act. I believe that the Pentagon's proposals are also motivated by pressures from Congress and the White House to reduce environmental restoration spending. There are three proposals: 1) Allow the transfer of property upon which hazardous materials have been stored but not released. This proposal makes sense to me, but I'm not sure that there really is a problem that requires legislative change. 2) Allow long-term leases or other conveyances in which the federal government still holds the deed even when the property remains contaminated. As far as I can tell, the only purpose of this provision is to skirt the requirement that the property be cleaned before transfer. As the courts have ruled thus far, a long-term lease is tantamount to a transfer by deed. Instead of figuring out ways to avoid cleanup before transfer, more effort should be placed into speeding up cleanup. 3) Allow the states or EPA to allow the sale of contaminated federal property if the contract contains assurances that contamination will be addressed. With regulator approval, this approach would allow the military to turn over the principal financial and management responsibility for cleanup to the recipient of the property, in return for discount on sale. I'm not comfortable with that. Even if the military retains control of the cleanup, I think this provision would invite incomplete cleanup and down-the-road surprises. In proposing the changes, Deputy Undersecretary of Defense (Environmental Security) Sherri Wasserman Goodman argued that the proposed changes would merely subject Federal agencies to the same rules that apply to the private sector and state and local governments. However, there is a difference between federal agencies and other entities. At other properties, EPA or state regulators can order the responsible parties to do cleanup. If there is no responsible party with the ability to pay, then EPA Superfund or similar state funds may be used. At federal facilities, Congress can effectively block cleanup by failing to appropriate sufficient funds. EPA, a federal agency, can't tell Congress what to appropriate, and at this time the states appear to have no enforcement power to insist upon timely cleanup at federal properties. At closing or closed bases, without a strong 120(h), there is a danger that reuse authorities - the recipients of federal property - and the military will collaborate to avoid reasonable cleanup goals, in the hope that the property can be put to more rapid reuse. I am concerned that this not only will undermine public health and environmental protection. In many cases it may slow reuse, as the insurers and financial backers of reuse projects discover, late in the game, that they are taking responsibility for contaminated projects. At active bases, cleanups which are legally completed but which turn out to pose risks under new use or ownership will face little or no regulatory authority when transfer is eventually proposed. Most of the delay in the cleanup program - that is, activity that slows reuse and transfer - takes place in the investigation and characterization phase. I support initiatives to streamline the study phase, but I think it's fairly obvious that property should not be transferred or otherwise made available for permanent reuse before the full extent and nature of contamination is known. To assure complete and safe cleanup, regulatory agencies must be armed with authority to oversee all phases of cleanup. I am not satisfied with simple promises by responsible parties, even when they are owned by the taxpayer. The legal hammer of 120(h) is necessary to ensure public safety and environmental protection, and to ensure that the right cleanup process is followed. |
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