1995 CPEO Military List Archive

From: lesimmer@aec1.apgea.army.mil
Date: 26 Jun 1995 07:28:39
Reply: cpeo-military
Subject: to say "hello"
 Hello to all of you:

 I'm a "newcomer" to the CareerPro BB, and wanted to introduce myself. 
 I work in the Public Affairs Office at the Army's Environmental 
 Center, and have been working to establish RABs at a lot of Army sites 
 across the country. I'm very interested in learning how the Army can 
 improve our overall community involvement efforts. I've been in this 
 job for the last 7 years, and am continually trying to learn new ways 
 of doing things. Little by little, I've seen some new public 
 involvement ideas tried and accepted, although it can be a painstaking 
 process. The BB is helping me gain a better understanding of the 
 outreach efforts that might be more effective in the different 
 communities with which I work.

 Thanks for your time, and I look forward to future messages. If 
 anyone thinks that I might be able to help with a question/etc., my 
 e-mail is (be warned that I recently got married, so eventually my 
 e-mail address will change somewhat):


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