1996 CPEO Military List Archive

From: Aimee Houghton <aimeeh@igc.org>
Date: Tue, 03 Sep 1996 14:55:10 -0700 (PDT)
Reply: cpeo-military
From: Aimee Houghton <aimeeh@igc.org>


 US EPA Regions IX and X 
 September 26 and 27, 1996
 Millbrae, CA

TO: Individuals representing diverse constituencies interested in 
 contributing to the national policy and funding dialogue on 
 military base cleanup technology

From: DOD, Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Environmental Security
 Dept. of the Navy, Office of Regional Environmental Coordinator
 Western Governors' Association
 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (Regions IX and X)
 California Environmental Protection Agency
 Bay Area Defense Conversion Action Team (BADCAT)
 San Francisco State University, CAREER/PRO

DATE: September 26 and 27, 1996 (two full days)

TIME: Opening Plenary Session Thursday, September, 9 a.m.
 (for program details please see agenda below)

LOCATION: Clarion Hotel, Millbrae, CA (near San Francisco Intl. Airport)

FEE: Registration fee is WAIVED

TRAVEL: To ensure broad participation, a limited number of travel 
 scholarships will be made available to community RAB members 
 and tribal representatives. Immediately contact Aimee 
 Houghton (aimeeh@igc.org or 415-904-7750) for further details 
 on travel or lodging arrangements.

LODGING: For those traveling on their own, we have arranged for a 
 Forum lodging discount. To ensure this rate, all 
 reservations must be made by September 11, 1996. After that date 
 reservations will be made on a space availabe basis only. Please
 contact the Clarion Hotel at 800-223-7111 and refer to the 
 Western Governors' Association (WGA) Forum.

RSVP: Please contact Aimee Houghton at aimeeh@igc.org or 415-904-7750

 Stakeholders--including RAB members, regulators, tribal 
leaders, military officials, and industry representatives--from 
throughout the West are meeting September 26 and 27, 1996 at the 
Calrion Hotel in Millbrae, CA, for the Regional Forum on Military Base 
Cleanup Technology.

 Please consider devoting these two days t a unique, innovative 
program addressing ways to promote the development and use of 
innovative technologies in the cleanup of contaminated military 
installations. Building on the growing dialogue now underway at many 
active and former military bases in the region, the Forum will provide an 
opportunity to share experiences with stakeholders from other localities 
and to help develop channels through which local representatives can 
influence national policy on cleanup technology.

 The sponsors have designed the Forum not only to develop an 
action plan for advancing cleanup technology, but to provide a regional 
model for stakeholder involvement and interagency partnership.


US EPA Regions IX and X
September 26 and 27, 1996
Millbrae, CA

(some programmatic changes or substitutions may occur)

Thursday, September 26
Morning Session 9 a.m. - 12 noon

Opening Plenary Addresses
The Importance of a Regional Perspective on Military Cleanup Technologies

Congressman Ronald V. Dellums (D-CA)--invited

Sunne Wright McPeak
President and CEO, Bay Area Economic Forum

Patricia A. Rivers
Asst. Deputy Secretary of Defenee for Environmental Cleanup
Department of Defense, Office of Environmental Security

Captain J. Collins, CEC
Command Officer, Naval Facilities Engineering Service Center

Terry Smith
Idaho Department of Environmental Quality
Chair, WGA/DOIT Coordinating Committee

Ann C. Heywood
Deputy Secretary, California Environmental Protection Agency

Merv Tano
Senior Counsel, Council of Energy Resource Tribes

Sally M. Benson
Earth Sciences Division Director
Lawrence Berkeley National Labratory

Lenny Siegel
Project Director


12 Noon - 1:30 p.m.
Buffet Lunch in the Atrium

Afternoon Session 1:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.

Breakout Groups
two panels each, audience interactions following each panel

Communications and Information Sharing -- Peninsula Room
 This session will explore the efforts to improve the 
dissemination about innovative technologies and to create channels 
through which field personnel and community can influence the 
development and demonstration of new technology.
 The first panel will focus on the sharing of information about 
the availability, advantages, and disadvantages of cleanup technologies 
among organizations and locations. How can communications be 
improved? How do public stakeholders paly a role?
 The second panel will consider how community members can 
provide input into the asssessment of requirements and setting of 
priorities for the research, development, testing, and evaluation of 
new or improved environmental restoration technologies, at the the 
local, regional, and national levels. It will also review how the 
field staff of responsible parties and regulatory agencies can 
influence nationa decision-making.
 The session will be faciltiated by Mary Grisco, Alaska Sierra Club.

Regulatory Barriers -- Sausalito Room

 This session will discuss and assess the effectiveness of a 
variety of efforts that seek to address regulatory constraints to the 
development, testing, demonstration, and deployment of innovatiove site 
characterization and cleanup technologies. The discussion will focus 
on issues and recommendations identified during the WGA Development of 
On-Site Innovative Technologies (DOIT) Roundtable on Regulatory and 
Institutional Barriers held October 20, 1993 and subsequently tested 
through several DOIT projects. Additionally, this session will present 
and discuss several new programs and initiatives at the national and 
state levels that are attempting to address regulatory questions.
 Panel presentations include discussions of three environmental 
problems identified by the California Military Environmental 
Coordination Committee (CMECC) for limitations on the availability or 
lack of development of environmental tehcnologies. These are: 1) 
chlorinated solvents in saturated zone solids, and 2) petroleum 
hydrocarbons in saturated zone solids, and 3) explosives in vadose solids.
 Facilitaotrs are Sean Hogan, Technical Liaison - ORD, US EPA, 
Region 9, and Peter Wood, Office of Military Facilities, Cal EPA, 
Department of Toxics Substances Control.

Commercialization and R & D Funding -- Embarcadero Room

 The objectives of this session are to: 1) present issues that 
have arisen for technology developers and vendors seeking to develop, 
demonstrate, and use of environmetnal technologies at military bases; 
2) address why commercializing of innovative technologies is a vital 
requirement and how this might be accomplished; 3) discuss whether, 
and if so how, commercialization of innovative technologies contirbute 
to military base cleanup; and 4) develop a collaborative ACTION PLAN to 
effect change whre change is needed.
 Focusing on experiences and perspectives from the provite 
sector, the service branches and their environmental organizations, and 
other agencies, presentations in this session will address such topics 
as life cycle funding for innovative technologies; DoD's and DOE's 
environmental tehcnology funding and commercialization approaches; the 
debate over DoD's support for technology commercialization; and the 
requirements for commercialization.
 The session will be facilitated by Joe Iovenitti, Weiss % Associates.

Procurement and Contracting -- Golden Gate Ballroom

 This session will discuss the contracting constraints the 
federal government operates under, how it is working to find ways to 
encourgae the use of innovative technology, where appropriate, and how 
those constraints are being evaluated to increase the likelihood the 
local community will benefit from the cleanup activity
 Topics for the first panel include presentations on basic 
environmental contracting; Navy contracting initiatives for innovative 
technologies such as the Navy Environmental Leadership Program, and the 
contracting initiatives of other service branches.
 The second panel will discuss ways to ensure that displaced 
workers or local communities--with an emphasis on Indian tribes and 
other people of color--will benefit from military base cleanup 
expenditures at their bases, former defense sites, or communities. It 
will consider how to coordinate trianing efforts with contract policies 
or preferences to provide contracts and jobs to impacted communities 
and whether the choice of cleanup technology affects the employment 
impact of cleanup dollars.
 The session will be facilitated by Michael Pound, SouthWest 
Division, Naval Facilites Engineering Command, Environmental Division.

**One important objective of the Forum is to identify points for 
regional input into national decisions on military cleanup technology. 
participants are encouraged to think of questions and suggestions in 
anticiaption of thse discussions.**


Friday, September 27, 1996
Morning Session 8:00 a.m. - 12 Noon

Repeat of Breakout Groups


Buffet Lunch 12 Noon p.m. - 1:30 p.m.
Golden Gate Ballroom

Keynote Luncheon Speaker
Felicia Marcus, Regional Administrator, US EPA Region IX


Final Afternoon Plenary Session 1:30 p.m. - 4 p.m.

Developing a Reional Action Plan on Military Base Environmental 
Technologies for Communication to National Policy-makers
 interactive session with participants

Lenny Siegel, SFSU, CAREER/PRO
Joe Iovenitti, Weiss & Associates


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