From: | Lenny Siegel <> |
Date: | Tue, 27 May 1997 16:13:36 -0700 (PDT) |
Reply: | cpeo-military |
Below is the full text of the model language for Interagency Agreements that I described/summarized in a recent posting. EPA's cover letter, endorsing the model funding language, notes that the language is for Interagency Agreements (IAGs). IAGs (also known as Federal Facility Agreements) are the kind of cleanup agreements required by CERCLA Sec. 120 for federal facilities on the National Priorities List. Nonetheless, it has been pointed out to me that the Navy, in disseminating this language to the field, has told its activities to view the language as model for ALL cleanup agreements, NPL and nonNPL." Lenny Siegel MEMORANDUM March 14, 1997 SUBJECT: Model Language For Use in Future Navy Cleanup Agreements .from: Craig Hooks, Acting Director Federal Facilities Enforcement Office (FFEO) .TO: Regional Counsels, Regions I - X Regional Division Directors, Regions I - X Attached please find the final model language for the "Deadlines and Contents of Site Management Plan", "Budget Development and Amendment of Site Management Plan", and "Funding" provisions for Interagency Agreements (IAGs) under negotiation with the Navy. This language has been negotiated at a national level among FFEO, Regions I, III and IV and the Department of Navy as a result of the recommendations in the Federal Facility Environmental Restoration Dialogue Committee(FFERDC) "Keystone" report released in April 1996. This language should be used in all future IAGs negotiated with the Navy and, as appropriate, you may wish to propose it to other military services for use in their cleanup agreements with EPA. EPA and the Navy consider this language to be model; however, both parties anticipate States may suggest modifications. Although EPA and the Navy discourage wholesale revisions, some clarifying changes may be acceptable. Therefore, when negotiating with your state partners, if the state advocates major revisions, please have your regional attorney and/or programmatic expert call Sally Dalzell at(202) 564- 2583. Together, Sally Dalzell and the regional personnel will determine whether the proposed changes should be vetted through the original "ABL Workgroup" comprised of participants from FFEO, Regions I, III and IV. Otherwise, no substantive changes should be made to this language without consultation with FFEO. Please contact Sally Dalzell at (202)564- 2583 if you have any questions regarding the implementation of the model language. Attachment cc: Steve Herman, OECA Timothy Fields, OSWER Jim Woolford, OSWER Scott Fulton, OGC Federal Facility Leadership Council FINAL MODEL FUNDING LANGUAGE FOR NAVY FFA/IAGS March 12, 1997 J. "Deadline" or "Milestone" shall mean a time limitation specifically established or provided for under the terms of the Agreement or the Site Management Plan for performance of work and submittal of Primary Documents and shall not include Target Dates. Deadlines shall include "Near Term Milestones," "Out Year Milestones" and "Project End Dates," as such terms are defined below. THEN ADD THE FOLLOWING NEW DEFINITIONS INTO THE DEFINITION SECTION: [ .] "Near Term Milestones" shall mean the dates established by the Parties in the Site Management Plan, in consultation with public stakeholders, for the submittal of Primary Documents and performance of work within the current fiscal year (FY), the next fiscal year or "budget year" (FY+1) and the year for which the budget is being developed or "planning year" (FY+2). The Parties recognize that milestones in the current fiscal year are enforceable. [ .] "Out Year Milestones" shall mean the dates established by the Parties in the Site Management Plan, in consultation with public stakeholders, for the submittal of Primary Documents within those years occurring after the "planning year" until the completion of the cleanup or phase of the cleanup (FY+3 through Project End Date, as defined below). [ .] "Project End Dates" shall mean the dates established by the Parties in the Site Management Plan, in consultation with public stakeholders, for the completion of major portions of the cleanup or completion of the cleanup of the entire facility. XI. DEADLINES AND CONTENTS OF SITE MANAGEMENT PLAN 11.1 In order to ensure that the Work to be performed under this Agreement is accomplished in a timely manner, the Parties have agreed to establish Deadlines consisting of (i) Near Term Milestones for the current fiscal year (FY), the budget year (FY+1) and the planning year (FY+2); (ii) Out Year Milestones for the years occurring after the planning year until the completion of the cleanup or phase of the cleanup (FY+3 and beyond); and (iii) Project End Dates for the completion of major portions of the cleanup or for the cleanup as a whole. Near Term Milestones for performance of work and submittal of Primary Documents within the current fiscal year (FY) are enforceable and shall be subject to stipulated penalties. Near term milestones, Out Year Milestones and Project End Dates will not change without the mutual consent of all Parties to the Agreement. Out Year Milestones and Project End Dates shall not be enforceable until they become Near Term Milestones for the current FY in accordance with the terms of Section 12.4 below; provided, however, if an activity is fully funded in the current FY, milestones associated with performance of work and submittal of Primary Documents associated with such activity (even if they extend beyond the current FY) shall be enforceable. For the purposes of this Agreement, a fiscal year is the yearly time frame used by the United States Government that commences on October 1 and ends September 30th of the following calendar year. 11.2 The Site Management Plan (SMP), attached to this Agreement as Appendix [ ], establishes Deadlines for a three-year period for the submittal of Primary Documents pursuant to this Agreement. The SMP includes proposed actions for both CERCLA responses and actions which would otherwise be handled pursuant to RCRA corrective actions per Section VII - STATUTORY COMPLIANCE/RCRA-CERCLA INTEGRATION and outlines all response activities and associated documentation to be undertaken at the Facility. The SMP incorporates all Deadlines and Target Dates contained in approved Work Plans. All schedules approved in future Work Plans immediately become incorporated in the Site Management Plan. 11.3 Deadlines in the SMP reflect the priorities agreed to by the Parties, in consultation with stakeholders, through a process of "Risk Plus Other Factors" Priority Setting. Site activities have been prioritized by weighing and balancing a variety of factors including, but not limited to: (i) the DoD relative risk rankings for the Site; (ii) potential or future use of the facility; (iii) ecological impacts; (iv) intrinsic and future value of affected resources; (v) cost effectiveness of the proposed activities; (vi) regulatory requirements; (vii) environmental justice considerations; and (viii) actual and anticipated funding levels. While deadlines should not be driven by budget targets, such targets should be considered. Furthermore, in setting and modifying deadlines, the Parties agree to make good faith efforts to accommodate federal fiscal constraints, which include budget targets established by the Navy. 11.4 The SMP includes (and shall be amended annually to include): A. Actions necessary to mitigate any immediate threat to human health or the environment; B. A listing of all currently identified SSAs, Operable Units (including Accelerated Operable Units (AOUs)), Interim Remedial Actions, Supplemental Response Actions, and Critical and Non-Time Critical Removal Actions covered or identified pursuant to this Agreement; C. Activities and schedules for response actions planned for the three-fiscal-year period covered by the SMP. Activities included, at a minimum, are: - Near Term Milestones for the performance of work and submittal of all Primary Documents in the three-year SMP period; -Out Year Milestones for all Primary Documents covered in the SMP for the years FY+3 through the Project End Date; -Target dates for the submittal of all Secondary Documents; -Schedule for initiation of Remedial Designs, Interim Response Actions, Non-Time Critical Removal Actions, AOUs and any initiation of other planned response action(s) covered by this Agreement; and -Project End Dates for the completion of any planned response action(s) covered by this Agreement; D. A provision that, for each OU or AOU identified by the Parties within the three-year period covered by that SMP, the Navy shall submit a draft Proposed Plan within thirty (30) days of submission of a final FS or FFS Report; E. If the development of a Primary Document is fully funded in the first year of the three-year period covered by the SMP, enforceable Deadlines for submittal of that draft Primary Document may extend beyond the current fiscal year as reflected in the SMP. 11.5 The SMP shall be amended on a yearly basis as provided in Section XII - BUDGET DEVELOPMENT AND AMENDMENT OF SITE MANAGEMENT PLAN. All subsequent Amendments to the SMP shall meet all of the requirements set forth in this Section. 11.6 The enforceable Deadlines established pursuant to this Section and Section XII - BUDGET DEVELOPMENT AND AMENDMENT OF SITE MANAGEMENT PLAN - shall be published by EPA and the State and shall be incorporated into the SMP attached to this Agreement. 11.7 The Deadlines established in accordance with this Section and Section XII - BUDGET DEVELOPMENT AND AMENDMENT OF SITE MANAGEMENT PLAN - may be extended during the SMP review process by following Section XII, 12.4 - 12.7. All other extensions shall be governed pursuant to Section XIII - EXTENSIONS - of this Agreement. The Parties recognize that possible bases for extension of the Deadlines, as determined by mutual consent of the Parties, include: (i) the identification of significant new site conditions at this installation(ii) repriortization of activities under this FFA caused by changing priorities or new site conditions elsewhere in the Navy and (iii) repriortization of activities under this FFA caused by budget adjustments (e.g., recissions, inflation adjustments, and reduced congressional appropriations). XII. BUDGET DEVELOPMENT AND AMENDMENT OF SITE MANAGEMENT PLAN 12.1 The Department of the Navy, as a federal agency, is subject to fiscal co ntrols, hereinafter referred to as the Future Year Defense Plan (FYDP). The Navy describes the first year of the FYDP as the year for which the next budget will be developed. The process for reviewing and adjusting the FYDP to (i) meet program requirements and, (ii) conform to OMB fiscal plans, is called the "POM" process. The Parties recognize that the planning, programming and budgeting is a multi-year process. The Parties also agree that all Parties should be involved in the full cycle of planning, programming, and budgeting activities. Facility-Specific Planning, Programming and Budgeting 12.2 In order to ensure effective involvement by the Parties in the planning, programming, and budgeting process, the Navy agrees to meet at the Project Manager level, with the other parties, for the purpose of reviewing the FYDP controls, developing a list of requirements/work to be performed at the Site for inclusion in the DoN POM process, and participating in development of the LANTDIV submission to the proposed President's budget based on POM decisions for the year currently under consideration. When developing the proposed President's budget, the Navy agrees to notify the other Parties, at the Project Manager level, that budget controls have been received within two working days of receiving those controls. Unless the Parties agree to a different time frame, within 5 days of such notification, the Navy also agrees to consult with the other Parties, at the Project Manager level, on the proposed President's budget. This consultation must occur prior to LANTDIV's initial budget submission to Naval Facilities Engineering Command (NAVFAC). In the event that the Project Managers cannot agree on funding levels required to perform all work outlined in the SMP, the Parties agree to make reasonable efforts to informally resolve these disputes, either at the immediate or secondary supervisors level, which would include discussions with NAVFAC. If resolution cannot be achieved informally within a reasonable period of time, LANTDIV shall resolve the disagreement, if possible with the concurrence of all Parties and notify each Party. If all Parties do not concur in the resolution, LANTDIV, through NAVFAC, agrees to elevate the budget request to the Office of the Chief of Naval Operations (OCNO) Navy Headquarters (after incorporating as much input from the Parties as possible) and inform OCNO of the possibility of future enforcement action should the money requested not be sufficient to perform the work in dispute . In addition, if LANTDIV's budget submission to NAVFAC does not include sufficient funds to complete all work in the existing SMP, after any agreed-upon modifications, the Navy's budget submission shall also include supplemental reports that fully disclose the work required by the SMP, but not included in the budget request. These supplemental reports shall accompany the cleanup budget that the Navy submits from LANTDIV through successive levels of the Navy to OCNO and to the DoD Comptroller. LANTDIV-Budget 12.3 It is understood by all Parties that LANTDIV will coordinate the development of their budget with representatives of the EPA regional offices and the States located within the geographical area administered by LANTDIV. The Navy shall forward to EPA and the State documentation of the budget requests (and any supplemental reports as outlined in Section 12.1 above) for the site, as submitted by LANTDIV TO NAVFAC, and by NAVFAC to OCNO, within 14 days after the submittal of such documentation to OCNO. Amended Site Management Plan 12.4 No later than June 15 of each year after the development of the SMP, the Navy shall submit a draft Amended SMP to EPA and the State which will propose Deadlines to take effect in the next FY. Unless the Parties agree to modify the Deadlines as provided below, the draft Amended SMP should carry forward all Near Term Milestones, Out Year Milestones and Project End Dates included in the existing SMP. Therefore, in most cases, Near Term Milestones in the existing SMP for FY+1 and FY+2 shall be proposed as the Near Term Milestones for FY and FY+1 in the draft Amended SMP. In addition, the Navy shall examine the newly proposed FY and FY+1 milestones, funding circumstances (including OMB targets/guidance), and "risk plus other factors" outlined in Section 11.3 to evaluate whether the previously agreed upon Project End Dates and Out Year Milestones for FY+3 (i.e., what is FY+3 under the existing SMP and will become FY+2 under the Amended SMP) should become Near Term Milestones. Any proposed changes to Milestones must be explained in a cover letter to the draft Amended SMP. Moreover, any changes to Near Term Milestones, Out Year Milestones or Project End Dates require the agreement of all Parties, in consultation with public stakeholders. The draft Amended SMP should reflect any decisions made by the Parties during the planning, programming, and budgeting consultation process outlined in Section 12.1, above, and shall be based upon the assumption that all remedial requirements for the Facility submitted during the development of the President's budget for the upcoming fiscal year will be fully funded. Any disagreement over adjustment of Deadlines pursuant to this section shall be resolved in the context of the draft final amendment to the SMP. Additionally, the yearly Amended SMP shall contain revised Target Dates for the submission of Secondary Documents to be submitted during the upcoming three fiscal years. The yearly Amendment to the SMP will incorporate any newly finalized SSAs or Operable Units identified pursuant to this Agreement. 12.5 The Parties shall meet as necessary to discuss the draft Amended SMP. Within thirty (30) days of receipt of the draft Amended SMP, EPA and the State shall review the draft Amended SMP and provide comments to the Navy. If EPA or the State submit comments and are not satisfied with the draft Amended SMP, theParties will meet within fifteen (15) days of Navy's receipt of comments on the draft Amended SMP to discuss and finalize the draft Amended SMP. Within thirty (30) days of receipt of EPA and State comments on the draft Amended SMP, the Navy shall, as appropriate, make revisions and issue a revised draft, hereinafter referred to as a draft final SMP. Following receipt of the draft final SMP, EPA and the State have 30 days to approve or disapprove of the draft final SMP. If EPA or the state disapproves the draft final SMP, the Navy shall have 20 days from receipt of notice of disapproval to invoke dispute resolution directly to the SEC or amend the SMP in conformance with EPA and state comments. 12.6 It is understood by all Parties that the Navy will work with representatives of the EPA regional offices and the States located within the geographical area administered by LANTDIV to reach consensus on the reprioritization of work made necessary by any yearly appropriation shortfalls or other circumstances as described in section 11.7. 12.7 Within 45 days after LANTDIV has received official notification of LANTDIV's allocation based on the current year's Navy Environmental Restoration, Navy (ER,N) appropriation, the Navy shall determine if planned work (as outlined in the draft final SMP) can be accomplished with the allocated funds. If the allocated funds are sufficient to complete all planned work for that fiscal year and no changes to the draft final SMP are required, the Navy shall immediately forward a letter to EPA and the State indicating that the draft final SMP has become the final SMP. In the event that the Navy determines within the 45 -day period specified above that the allocated funds are not sufficient to accomplish the planned work for the Site (an appropriation shortfall), the Navy shall immediately notify the Parties and the Project Managers shall meet within thirty (30) days to determine if planned work (as outlined in the draft final SMP) can be accomplished through: 1) rescoping or rescheduling activities in a manner that does not cause previously agreed upon Near Term Milestones and Out Year Milestones to be missed; or 2) developing and implementing new cost-saving measures. If, during this thirty (30) day consultation period, the Parties determine that rescoping or implementing cost-saving measures are not sufficient to offset the appropriation shortfall and the Parties agree that Near Term Milestones, Out Year Milestones and Project End Dates should be modified, the Parties shall discuss these changes and develop modified Deadlines. Such modifications shall be based on the "Risk Plus Other Factors" prioritization process discussed in Section 11.3, above. If agreement on appropriate modifications cannot be reached among the Parties, EPA and the State retain their authority to disapprove a request to modify or extend existing Schedules and Deadlines. The Navy shall submit a revised draft final SMP within thirty (30) days of the end of the consultation period. The revised draft final SMP shall reflect EPA and State input during the consultation period outlined above. EPA and the State shall have twenty-one (21) days to review the revised draft final SMP. If EPA and the State concur with any modifications made in the revised SMP, EPA and the State shall notify the Navy in writing of their concurrence and the revised draft final SMP shall become the final SMP. If following the twenty-one (21) day review period for the revised draft final SMP, the Parties fail to agree on the content of the revised draft final SMP, the matter shall immediately be submitted directly to the SEC level for dispute resolution pursuant to Section XX - DISPUTE RESOLUTION. Within twenty (20) days after the conclusion of Dispute Resolution, the Navy shall revise and reissue as necessary, the final SMP. The pendency of any dispute under this Part shall not affect the timely adherence to the terms of this Agreement, including schedules, except as specifically provided herein. Enforceable deadlines established in the Final SMP are subject to stipulated penalties in accordance with Section XXI - STIPULATED PENALTIES, of this Agreement. XXVII. FUNDING 27.1 It is the expectation of the Parties to this Agreement that all obligations of the Navy arising under this Agreement will be fully funded. The Navy agrees to seek sufficient funding through the Department of the Navy budgetary process to fulfill its obligations under this Agreement. 27.2 In accordance with CERCLA Section 120(e)(5)(B), 42 U.S.C. Section 9620(e)(5)(B), the Navy shall submit to DOD for inclusion in its annual report to Congress the specific cost estimates and budgetary proposals associated with the implementation of this Agreement. 27.3 Any requirement for the payment or obligation of funds, including stipulated penalties, by the Navy established by the terms of this Agreement shall be subject to the availability of appropriated funds and provisions governing the payment of penalties (10 USC 2703(e)). No provision herein shall be interpreted to require obligation or payment of funds in violation of the Anti-Deficiency Act, 31 U.S.C. Section 1341. In cases where payment or obligation of funds would constitute a violation of the Anti-Deficiency Act, the dates established requiring the payment or obligation of such funds shall be appropriately adjusted. 27.4 If appropriated funds are not available to fulfill the Navy's obligations under this Agreement, EPA and the State reserve the right to initiate an action against any other person, or to take any response action, which would be appropriate absent this Agreement. 27.5 Funds authorized and appropriated annually by Congress under the Environmental Restoration, Navy appropriation in the Department of Defense Appropriation Act to the Navy will be the source of funds for activities required by this Agreement consistent with Section 211 of SARA, 10 U.S.C. Chapter 160. However, should the ER,N appropriation be inadequate in any year to meet the total Navy CERCLA implementation requirements, the Navy will, in consultation with EPA and stakeholders, prioritize and allocate that year's appropriation, considering legal requirements pertaining to each site, relative risks to human health and the environment, and other relevant factors. | |
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